Xstamper N47 Inspection Rubber Stamps
RubberStampChamp.com, the online low-price leader of custom rubber stamp sales and custom rubber stamping accessory sales, has an extensive offering of pre-inked custom rubber stamps which includes both the iStamp line of custom pre-inked rubber stamps, and the XStamper line of custom pre-inked rubber stamps.

Round Xstamper N47 custom pre inked inspection rubber stamps for less at Rubber Stamp Champ.
The N47, though not recommended for use on glossy surfaces, provides the highest quality impression of any rubber stamping mechanism presently offered for sale.
A diameter of one and three sixteenth’s of an inch around and fifty thousand plus crisp, clean and clear impressions prior to needing a re-inking make RubberStampChamp.com’s XStamper N47 perfect custom pre-inked inspection rubber stamps.
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