Rubber Stamp Champ

Pay day loans

Cosco Eco-Daters

At, we’ve got both the environment and your pocket book’s best interest at heart!

Rubber Stamp Champ’s line of Cosco Eco-Daters, in either custom dater or stock message dater format, is one of the most environmentally friendly daters in existence, and it’s on sale, too, only at!

The GL2630 and GL2660 are heavy-duty versions of self-inking daters and are made, by Cosco, to meet EPA standards, and are fifteen percent off, only through November, at!

Lastly, both the GL2630 and GL2660 shipped to your doorstep, free of charge, from!

22 December, 2012 (19:36) | Customized Rubber Stamps, Date Stamps | By: Mike

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