Rubber Stamp Champ

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From Rubber Stamp Champ’s Library of Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps

50,000 Impressions Per Ink Refill, Xstamper Monogram Library Rubber Stamps

Working in a library, conserving the wealth of public knowledge for those minds interested enough to seek out actual printed material in today’s digital information age can be tough.   Some people might not take the time to return books on-time, or at all.  Other people might be abusing the materials.

While the vast majority of your customers don’t take part in the above, and taking into account can’t stop the abuse of your beloved books, we can certainly assist you in the effort of ensuring they come back to you, eventually, perhaps some of those not returned.

You’ll find’s selection of four exquisite Monogram Library rubber stamp impression  styles to choose from, each one hundred percent customizable to suit your particular needs.

You might also notice once you’ve clicked through to your preferred impression style, that is selling you just any monogram library stamp, but the Cadillac of rubber stamps,a Xstamper monogram pre-inked rubber stamp with a one and a half inch diameter impression. is making this incredible device available to librarians for a very specific reason, it’s not just the excellent quality, clean impressions the Xstamper Monogram Library rubber stamp leaves, it’s that between stamp ink refills, it makes fifty thousand plus impressions.  That’s around three or four refills, for the whole library!’s Xstamper pre-inked, laser-engraved Monogram Library Rubber Stamp is priced at twenty nine dollars and fifty cents, a savings of almost forty percent!

Lastly, customizes and ships your monogram library rubber stamp to your library, free of any additional charge!


10 January, 2013 (15:43) | Monogram Library Rubber Stamp, Monogram Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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