Rubber Stamp Champ

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Shop At, Don’t Be Let Down Like You’ve Been By The U.S. Government!


Despite having three months and having been given three months to come up with an acceptable bi-partisan budget which Congress could pass, our lackluster president instead decided to play politics and now the country has entered a period of government imposed sequestration.

Unfortunately for us, The People, our leaders inability to make decisions, work together and ultimately, pass a fiscally responsible budget is going to cost.  It’s going to cost jobs, services and is in general a bad thing for our great nation.

If you’re looking to do the opposite of the government of The United States of America, if you’re looking to be fiscally responsible, and who isn’t these days, then you need to visit our easy-to-order-from-website, features a superabundance of customizable rubber stamps, of many types, shapes and sizes and for a massive variety of specific uses.

Take our Teacher Rubber Stamps page, for instance. has three categories on it’s main Teacher Rubber Stamps pages, fifty five designs on our Ideal 50 (1/2″ x 1 1/2″ impression area), eighty three designs on either our Ideal 170R (5/8″ round impression), Ideal 310R (1 1/4″ round impression), or Ideal 400R (1 1/2″ round impression), or in three packs of teacher stamps.  Starting at just six dollars and twenty five cents per stamp, it’s tough to emulate the fiscal irresponsibility of the United States government!

Lastly, always keep in mind, when shopping at, that any order over the amount of ten dollars, ships directly to your doorstep, absolutely free of any shipping and handling charges!

5 March, 2013 (16:53) | Teacher Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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