Rubber Stamp Champ

Pay day loans

Promote Your Products To Frequent Buyers With!


Frequent buyer card programs are one of the best ways a small business can promote it’s tasty treats, delicious cups of coffee, or whatever you decide to be an advantageous product or service to represent with your frequent buyer program., as per our usual, is here to help with our completely customizable frequent buyer rubber stamps, of many types, sizes, and shapes.

Rubber Stamp Champ features a total of ten customizable rubber stamps for frequent buyer programs which utilize a card with a unique stamp impression to prevent fraudulent usage of your program in order to gain free or discounted products. has frequent buyer rubber stamps that work on all types of card stock, glossy, and non-glossy finishes alike!

What’s really interesting about Rubber Stamp Champ is that while most companies charge for customization of impressions, even shipping and handling on larger orders, doesn’t charge for customization of text, no matter your order size, and all orders over ten dollars ship absolutely free of any charges!

Come through our easy-to-order-from-website,, today, and find out why six hundred and twenty five thousand customer’s can’t be wrong!

12 March, 2013 (14:35) | Frequent Buyer Card Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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