Rubber Stamp Champ

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Markers, The Ever-Useful Tool


In just about any work or home related setting, markers, whether permanent or waterproof, or the regular dry erase markers, are all useful implements in a wide array of situations.

This fact is exactly why has it’s Markers page.’s markers page features seven varieties of marker which are specifically for use upon certain surfaces.

Some of Rubber Stamp Champ’s markers work on metal, some work on wood, some on stone, and of course, carries markers for use on other, non-extreme surfaces, like paper and dry-erase marker boards. stocks the range of Artline markers known for quality and reliability. sells small and medium size markers in dozen packages and larger markers in half dozen quantities with nib sizes ranging from .8mm to 30 mm which makes Rubber Stamp Champ’s marker selection perfection for any application. ships all orders totaling more than ten dollars absolutely free of charge, too!



25 March, 2013 (15:07) | Artline markers | By: Mike

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