Rubber Stamp Champ

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Teachers and Unite For a Better Tomorrow!


Are you a teacher or teacher’s aide looking for a unique way to make an impression on your students, both good and bad alike?

Then you need not look any further than Rubber Stamp Champ and our easy-to-order-from website, has a selection of self-inking Teacher Stamps that will help you make a big impression on your students; many teachers report back that utilization of’s arrary of teacher oriented rubber stamps, ranging from smiley face stamps to stamps which feature teacher related messages.

We offer up, to you, our valued teachers, many different styles, sizes and designs.

At, you’ll find three categories which are teacher specific rubber stamp categories.

The first is our rectangular shaped teacher stamps page which has over over fifty five designs and is mounted on one of our most popular stamps, the Ideal 50.

The second is our round shaped teacher stamps page which has over eighty three designs and can be mounted on three different sized round Ideal self-inking rubber stamps which range in impression size from five eighths of an inch to one and a half inches in diameter.

Finally, for those of you who are just plain busy, our Teacher Stamps three packs include a variety of stock message rubber stamps on our rectangular Ideal 50, per-packaged for ultimate in easy ordering.

Please, keep in mind, ships out all orders over ten dollars free of charge!


27 March, 2013 (18:42) | Rubber Stamp, Teacher Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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