Rubber Stamp Champ

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Xstamper Xtensions Industrial Marking Kits


In some cases, I’m sure more than I can readily name off the top of my head, the versatility of a custom rubber stamp is an extremely important feature; government entities, of the alphabet soup variety, likely play a, or the sole part in a rubber stamp being used in one way under threat of extreme consequence.

Rubber Stamp Champ feels your pain, controlling bureaucracies are a pain in the you know what; has the options you need to cure that pain.

The most popular versatile sells is the Xstamper Xtensions kit.  Xtensions are the ultimate on-the-fly custom pre-inked rubber stamp set.  Xtensions click together in any configuration required and print excellent quality impression time and again. sells three sizes of the complete Xstamper Xtensions kits, 13 pt., 19pt, and 33 pt, each kits price includes free shipping; get your kit immediately!



4 August, 2013 (05:03) | Pre Inked Stamps, Quality Control Industrial Rubber Stamps, Xstamper, Xstamper Custom Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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