Rubber Stamp Champ

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Ideal 80 Self-Inking Rubber Stamps

The self-inking Ideal 80 rubber stamp, on sale at for just $9.50, is what we call the big brother of the Ideal 50 self-inking rubber stamp, the quintessential do-anything-well personalize-able self-inking rubber stamp.

The Ideal 80 self-inking rubber stamp at features one additional line of customizable text, as compared to little brother, the Ideal 50.

So similar are the self-inking Ideal 80 and Ideal 50, most customers purchase them for the same uses.

Certain individuals might have a lengthy address, thus an Ideal 80 is preferred over the three line self-inking Ideal 50.

Other individuals may be required by their banks to put a routing number on their bank deposit only self-inking rubber stamp.  Here again, big brother is the choice for larger impression area.

Basically, any custom, four lines of text self-inking rubber stamp should be an Ideal 80.

When you consider the insanely Low, Knockout Price of just $9.50 at, which includes free text or artwork manipulation, you get that feeling; by shopping with, you can take no wrong turn.

5 August, 2013 (05:08) | Address Rubber Stamps, Bank Deposit Stamps, Business Rubber Stamps, Ideal Self Inking Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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