Rubber Stamp Champ

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Jet-Set George Rubber Stamps, Coming To Your Pocket Soon!

George is circulating to far flung places, riding on boats, planes, trains, and in automobiles. He’s been almost everywhere there is to go on planet Earth, and he shows no signs of slowing down!

Of course, I’m talking about the ‘Where’s George’ dollar bill rubber stamping and currency tracking phenomena that’s literally sweeping the globe. sells a variety of Where’s George rubber stamps with your choice of six rubber stamp impression styles, from the nondescript impression to impressions more on the wild side of the currency tracking hobby. is the only place you can find Where’s George currency tracking rubber stamps at Low, Knockout Prices.

3 October, 2013 (17:12) | Pre Inked Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Where's George Stamps, Xstamper | By: Mike

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