Rubber Stamp Champ

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Rubber Stamps For Clothing, Knockout Prices and Service!

When you visit a website with as much recognition as, you expect to find unusually useful products, but who would have thought about printing a rubber stamp impression on to their personal articles of clothing?

The answer is easy, you, the customer, your former self, a few generations ago self, began using regular rubber stamps, hand stamps, to attempt marking upon clothing with whatever inks and hand stamps were available to your a-few-generations-ago-self.

Since that time, the custom rubber stamp industry, and along with it, the fabric stamping movement has reached new heights in terms of equipment and rubber stamp ink qualities and refinements.

Today,, you’ll find the Trodat self-inking customizable clothing rubber stamp, a Trodat self-inking clothing stamp replacement pad, as well as Artline’s EK-750, their clothing marker, which Rubber Stamp Champ sells by the dozen. 

So, now that you’re your present self, not presently residing in your former lives somewhere, so go ahead, go to and buy yourself a clothing stamp or two that actually works!

7 October, 2013 (05:21) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Name Stamps, Trodat Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

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