Rubber Stamp Champ

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Return Library Books On Time, Fear Your Librarian’s Wrath!

Have you ever gone to the public library?

I apologize, that was a loaded question…

Obviously, most of us who grew up in the United States has at one point or another, been to their local public library.

Here’s the hidden agenda…

Enough people fail to return their checkout out library materials that librarians across the country, despite the recent political wrangling more commonly known as “the government shut down,” are banding together to wipe out intentional and accidental commandeering of library material.

To all you librarians out there; has got your and your efforts to maintain as high a level of on-time returns as possible. 

Come by our easy-to-order-from-website, and take a look at the many library ‘property of,’ customizable library rubber stamps and embossers today!

All’s library rubber stamps and embossers come right to your doorstep, free of any and all shipping charge!

24 October, 2013 (13:23) | Embossers, Xstamper, Xstamper Custom Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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