Rubber Stamp Champ

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Rubber Stamps, Get Your Rubber Stamps Here!

If you were once young, and are American, you’ve likely been to a couple baseball games and heard the hawkers selling everything from peanuts to beer and hot dogs.

I can see and hear it now, it’s the mid-eighties and my family and I have come to County Stadium to watch a Brewer’s game and partake in the related festivities.

In the face of my essentially non-existent interest in the sport of baseball, I always got a kick of the Miller Lite guys.

“Beer here,” they’d proclaim in two or three directions, “Get your beer here!”

Likewise, you need not have an interest or a liking for custom rubber stamps.

However, if you’ve found yourself bound to needing rubber stamps,  custom or stock message rubber stamps then you too, I hope, will get a kick out of’s Knockout Selection and Service. is just like those beer guys I so fondly recall, hardworking, the best prices, and with a unique, and rarely witnessed dedication to the customers.

In conclusion, Stamps Here!

Get your Rubber Stamps here!



21 April, 2014 (21:49) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stock Message Stamps | By: Mike

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