Rubber Stamp Champ

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Custom Self-Inking Trodat Clothing Rubber Stamps

clothing_stamp_finalPersonalized self-inking Trodat clothing stamps are perfect for anyone wanting to print a personalized impression onto their clothing.

Trodat self-inking clothing rubber stamps come ready to use, and are ink refillable. doesn’t charge additional fees to personalize your clothing stamp artwork or text either!

Discounted from $29.95, Rubber Stamp Champ is the only place to find the Low, Knockout Price of $24.95.’s Knockout Price on Trodat self-inking clothing stamps includes free shipping and handling.

Look no further if good quality water-resistant stamp impressions on your clothes is what you want, RubberStampChamp.

28 June, 2014 (03:59) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Trodat Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

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