Rubber Stamp Champ

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Skin Safe Ink For Event Hand Stamping


Stamp hands for re-entry with skin safe ink from offers skin safe ink in three distinct colors because almost everyone who owns a bar, nightclub, water-park, casino or other venue where events take place, has a need for stamping customer hands once they’ve paid, so they can more readily leave and come back in, or so your security people can identify them, once in, as someone who has paid admission. also carries the correct stamp pads for that kind of ink, and a variety of stock message designs that work well for the hand stamping purpose.

Visit today and get everything you need for event hand stamping, including skin safe ink for event hand stamping in three distinctive colors that won’t wash off, and won’t harm skin.

8 July, 2015 (21:42) | Event Hand Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads, Ink Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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