Rubber Stamp Champ

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Ideal Self Inking Stamps At Knockout Prices

Knockout Price and Service on custom rubber stamps is exclusively available at!

Knockout Price and Service on Ideal custom rubber stamps is exclusively available at!

When Rubber Stamp Champ first introduced Knockout Prices on custom Ideal rubber stamps, the concept took the industry by storm.

It was pretty simple really, where all the other stamp makers continued to offer Ideal self inking rubber stamps at full price, introduced the exact same line of custom Ideal self inkers for half price!

Now, customers who were used to paying $15.00 or more for an Ideal self inker, could shop and order the exact same product, fully customized, in their choice of ink colors…all for only $6.25!



14 May, 2018 (15:26) | Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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