Rubber Stamp Champ

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I’m A Big Deal Desk Sign

If you are kind of a big deal get a desk sign to prove it!

If you are kind of a big deal get a desk sign to prove it!

It doesn’t really matter if you are a big deal, or are not a big deal, if you think you are, and you feel like you are…that’s almost good enough.

The only other thing required would be a personally engraved desk sign announcing your big-dealness to the world at large, everyone in general and no one in particular, from

You can get such an item, made just for you of fine wood grained material mounted in a nice metal frame, just like the one pictured. You can also obtain from more traditional desk signs, that could announce for example the fact the you are the Receptionist…or Office Manager…or whatever the case may be.

Visit Rubber Stamp Champ now and we’ll help you let everyone know what’s up.


16 May, 2018 (13:57) | Custom Logo Rubber Stamps, Name Badges, Name Plates | By: Mike

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