Rubber Stamp Champ

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Mark II Fast Dry Ink Kits

MarkIIKit_mediumKit includes an airtight 2 1/2″ x 4″ reversible ink pad, a 2 ounce bottle of Mark II Aero #1250 ink, a 2 oz bottle of reactivator, a zip lock bag for storage, and re-inking instructions. Marks various non-absorbent surfaces, including plastic, metal, foil, electronic parts, mylar, glossy surfaces, glass, and more. Ink is USDA approved and meets TT-I-1795A Type I, and AA-208 Type I (will work for Type II). Approved by Department of Agriculture for use on food packages. Dries in 10-15 seconds.

We offer a wide selection of ink pads to choose from to make sure you always get the right option for your particular needs. We stock stamp pads in a variety of types, sizes, and ink colors from leading names in the industry for quality you can trust. These pads have features such as raised pad beds to avoid interference with the edges of the stamp and airtight lids to avoid drying out.

Pads are available with acid-free ink for a safe-to-use ink solution. Choose from sizes ranging from pocket sized to larger units ideal for desktop use. Whether you need a traditional stamp pad for stamping paper or a stamp pad for glossy or non-porous surfaces, we have the pad you need! Check out our selection of traditional stamp pads for use with regular paper, cardboard, note cards, and more.

When looking for ink pads compatible with metal, plastic, glossy paper, and most other non-porous surfaces, choose from our collection of Artline and Stazon stamp pads. We offer quick dry ink options for a smudge-proof option that will save time when stamping multiple documents.

11 January, 2019 (14:20) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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