Rubber Stamp Champ

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Rubber Stamp To Mark Clothing

If you create items using fabric, you can prodly tell the world by obtaining a custom fabric stamp from Rubber Stamp Champ!

Not everyone designs and produces their own line of clothing, but even if you just buy regular t-shirts and whatnot at the store, you may still find it useful to mark that clothing with your chosen identity.

A perfect example of such an application is if you have kids that you send to camp and you want to mark their stuff so it doesn’t wind up in the wrong person’s hands. And for that purpose we make a special, self inking camp clothing stamp that you can customize with any text you want.

In any event, Rubber Stamp Champ has a number of ways you can make permanent, washable impressions on clothing and fabric, including a camp stamp, and wood hand stamps designed for use with permanent ink pads.

Shop now at and we know you find the perfect way to make a lasting impression!

3 March, 2020 (13:18) | Art Stamps, Fabric Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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