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Bill O’Reilly Wimps Out Obama

June 11, 2009


OReilly Cares More About His Ratings Than The Countrys Future.   

O’Reilly Cares More About His Ratings Than The Country’s Future.

The O’Reilly Factor has taken “fair and balanced” recently to absurd new levels of wimpy.

He’s still in the “let’s wait and see how he does” mode on Obama.  I have news for the guy.  Obama is already doing very badly indeed.  Spending more in 3 months than all the other Presidents combined over the last 30 years is a good example.  And his pathetic public America bashing in hopes that it will make our enemies like us better.  They don’t.  It isn’t working.  Ask the family of the recruiter who got killed last week by a terrorist, or the families of the two women being held and tortured by North Korea.  And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  I haven’t even mentioned all the destruction he’s doing to capitalism and free enterprise.

O’Reilly cares more about his precious ratings than he does about the country’s future.

On a happier note, most people go to an office supply store for rubber stamps and the truth is, they wait too long and pay too much.  A great, usefull,Ideal, Xstamper or Trodat self inking or pre inked rubber stamp does not have to cost you an arm and a leg or take three weeks like it does when you get your rubber stamps from an office supply store.

The best way to get them fast, inexpensively and of the highest quality is to shop online at  For example, a fully customized Ideal 100 now costs you under ten dollars and takes only 1-day to produce….we can even ship it to you anywhere in the United States overnight….

Don’t wait three weeks and pay a fortune for your next rubber stamps….go online and get our great prices, fast deliver, volume discounts and free shipping.


Customize Xstamper online for less, at

Customize Xstamper online for less, at



11 June, 2009 (09:01) | Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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