Prices Falling For the Autumn Season

Everyone loves fall, or so it seems by the comments you often hear, and in a related thought, Bob Seger, a recording artist from the Midwest in the United States, where the change in seasons is perhaps the most pronounced, asked this rhetorical question in a song called Night Moves, “Ain’t it funny how the night moves, when you just don’t seem to have as much to lose, strange how the night moves, with autumn closing in.”
And while there is an eerie romantic mystery to sitting out on a night near the end of summer, and sensing that a very big change is on the way, there is also a scientific explanation for why the seasons do change, and that is simply that the Earth, as it turns on it’s axis, tilts as it orbits, and thereby moves the northern hemisphere more toward the sun in summer and more away from it in winter, and it’s this tilting away from solar heat that brings on fall.

The above graphic and detailed explanation from NASA shows exactly how this happens, each fall without fail, year after year, and the following shot, from Holy Hill in southeastern Wisconsin, shows the brilliant colors that deciduous trees exhibit every year in response to this tilting away from the sun.

Our response to the natural phenomenon, is to have a sale!
Subsequently all the thousands of items we offer including an enormous variety of top name brand self-inking stamps, an equally expansive selection of pre inked stamps, hundreds of choices and sizes of wood mounted hand stamps, and many other customizable products as well, that run the gamut of marking devices from alphanumeric band stamps to UV stamping supplies for event entry and re-entry.
Additionally, you will find excellent fall prices on all our notary stamps and supplies organized with preset requirements from every state in the union, so whether you are in a place where the change in seasons is dramatic, or virtually undetectable, you will be able to fill in your information and order a notary stamp or seal perfect for your business.
There’s more, of course, a lot more, including portable pocket stamps, professional stamps for architects and engineers, inspection stamps and stamps with our name on them, ChampFast® quick dry permanent ink stamps for making an impression on a wide variety on non-porous surfaces like fabric and wood.

So while the Earth tilts away from the sun, we suggest you tilt toward Rubber Stamp Champ, where our fall sale leaves the savings up to you!
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