Customized Fast Dry Rubber Stamps Fast

In racing there is Formula One..and in custom rubber stamp making there is one formula that wins!
We get the checkered flag ahead of all the others in the pack due to our incredibly fast production and shipping, and our own brand of fast dry rubber stamps that allow you to stamp on a wide variety of non porous surfaces.
So there’s really a double meaning to our fast dry stamps, because not only do they produce an image in fast dry ink, we get your order to you fast as well. And speaking of double meanings, ChampFast® makes a permanent impression on almost any surface, while we also make a permanent impression on you with a great product delivered quickly.
One of the elements we offer to help you with any permanent quick dry ink stamping project is what we call our Surface Selector Tool. This ingenious little device combines potential stamping surfaces, like glass, metal, wood and plastic with the type of stamps and ink you would find best suited to stamping on those particular surfaces. The cool thing about it is, all you have to do is click on the surface of your choice and the correct stamp and ink products will be presented.

And speaking of making a good impression on people, here’s an example of how it works. Let’s say you are a nightclub owner and you need to stamp the hands of people to show they have paid a cover charge or presented a valid ticket. Once the hand is stamped the customer can enter, exit and renter just by showing the stamp. So backtracking now, let’s say this is what you wanted to do and so you saw our Surface Selector Tool on the home page of our site.

You advanced the arrow to find the surface you were looking for, which, in the example just cited would be skin. So you click on the skin panel and are presented with several excellent choices, including one that would allow you to use UV lighting to scan hands for an impression.

Similarly you might have a project where you are stamping on wood, glass metal or a number of other surfaces, and you would then be presented with appropriate choices, which in some cases would include our own brand of permanent ink stamp, ChampFast®.

Certainly, if you need custom rubber stamps, and you need them fast, like if your event is rapidly approaching and you need UV supplies, or if you need them to dry fast and make a permanent impression on almost any surface, we are here with a website that makes finding what you need quick and easy, and then also, with our super efficient production and shipping methods, getting what you need very quickly as well.
We’re the Champ, and we’re fast, any way you look at it!
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