Black Friday Rubber Stamp Savings

Before Black Friday came to mean a retail sales extravaganza advertised weeks in advance and signifying great deals on everything from cars to pajamas, including discount prices on rubber stamps, it was initially a term used to describe something that happened where lots of people lost money, rather than saving it, and almost no one recalls, that along the same lines, there was also actually in more recent history a Black Monday, that was also about losing money, lots of money, not saving a few bucks.

The first recorded use of the term “Black Friday” was applied not to post-Thanksgiving holiday shopping but to a financial crisis: specifically, the crash of the U.S. gold market on September 24, 1869. Two notoriously ruthless Wall Street financiers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, worked together to buy up as much as they could of the nation’s gold, hoping to drive the price sky-high and sell it for astonishing profits. On that Friday in September, the conspiracy finally unraveled, sending the stock market into free-fall and bankrupting everyone from Wall Street barons to farmers.

Monday, Oct. 19, 1987, is remembered as Black Monday. On that day, global stock exchanges plunged, led by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average in the U.S. The strain sent world markets tumbling and for a panic-driven period of time people were again, not worried about saving money, but instead about losing their butts.

With all that behind us, hopefully, the more recent Black Friday designation came about as a happy day when retailers enjoyed a positive, and often dramatic, uptick in sales activity. As the story goes, after an entire year of operating at a loss “in the red” stores would supposedly earn a profit “went into the black” on the day after Thanksgiving, because holiday shoppers blew so much money on discounted merchandise.
In an ironic way Black Friday has morphed from chaos on Wall Street into chaos at retail outlets nationwide, where getting in on prices that have been slashed has led to war zone tactics where shoppers, if they can be called that, resort to guerilla tactics and where life and limb seem secondary to getting 70% off on a big screen TV.

In that regard we are happy to announce that you won’t have to risk getting nailed upside the head with a spinning back fist in order to save money on over 3000 custom and stock rubber stamp products, because our special Black Friday rubber stamp prices are offered in the relative calm of online shopping at our famous website,! provides a huge selection of rubber stamps in an easy-to-order format including rubber stamps and seals for notaries, rubber stamps and seals for engineers and architects, corporate rubber stamps, stock message rubber stamps, monogram name rubber stamps, monogram embossers, wedding rubber stamps, fast-dry ink rubber stamps, clothing markers, desk signs and much more including all the top manufacturers of self-inking stamps, like Ideal, Trodat and Shiny, as well as premier pre inked stamps like those offered by Xstamper.

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we are committed to being your source for all custom and stock message rubber stamps, numbering machines, date stamps, stamping accessories, notary products and even a whole line of stampers made from post consumer plastic so you can save money while doing your part to save the Earth.
So there’s no need to stand in the rain in the wee hours of the morning in an attempt to be one of the lucky ones to grab things before stock runs out, and there’s no need to come home with bar fight style stories, or even worse, to wind up getting, on Black Friday, black and blue. Just sit back, fire up your Mac, PC, tablet, or mobile device and Google Rubber Stamp Champ!
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