Rubber Stamps For Use With A Pad

Rubber Stamps For Use With A Pad
Many rubber stampers and rubber stamps are used with an inking pad and this doesn’t have to pretain to the simple hand stamp. Actually we have a wide number of stock and custom date stamps that are also used or can be made to be used with a separate ink pad. The reason for stamps, like daters and other date stamps to be non self inking and to come with a stamp pad is that many different types of inks for which their are many different types of applications, do not go in a self inking set up as the pad in a self inker is exposed to the air and will dry out unless inked with anything but water based ink.
So if you have a speciality application for stamping where inks like non water based inks are needed, say in stamping on metal or food packaging or plastic, just consult with the Rubber Stamp Champ and we’ll get you the exact right set up you need with a custom, non self inking rubber stamp and the correct pad and ink for your application.
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