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Rubber Stamps For Cards

You might think that the only use for a rubber stamp when it comes to things like greeting cards, birthday and anniversary cards and so on, that the only thing remotely associated with these cards about rubber stamps would be a rubber stamp used as a return address stamp to rubber stamp the envelope.

Rubber Stamps For Card Making

Rubber Stamps For Card Making

What you don’t realize is that millions of people actually use rubber stamps, inks and supplies to make their own greeting cards. That’s right, rubber stamps are often used as special art stamps to stamp artwork on the front of greeting cards, thereby making your own cards with rubber stamps and supplies. People do it all the time and the results are not just attractive, they are always very unique and appreciated by any recipient.

Truth is, if you want to make your own cards, there’s not better place to shop for custom rubber stamps capable of stamping on all types of surfaces, than

31 July, 2009 (10:35) | Art Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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