Self Inking Rubber Address Stamps

Rubber Stamps
Not too many people understand how many rubber stamps are sold in the United States everyday. Not that many people care either. In fact if you polled everyone in the United States regarding how much they cared about rubber stamps, you’d probably find a pretty small percentage of people who really cared about them a lot….but then that small percentage would include enough people so that $600 million gets sold every year in rubber stamps in the United States.
So all the people who make all those stamps, $600 million dollars worth, they care quite a bit about rubber stamps, as do of course, all the people who ordered them and use them extensively. And again, while it may not be a large group, its a group that represents a wide, cross cultural perspective as rubber stamps are ubiquitous in the culture, meaning they show up in every business from the local car wash to the Fortune 500 corporation and everyone else in between….they are used at ballgames, circuses, events too numerous to mention and in places from banks and convenience stores to drug stores, hardware stores, mailing places, casinos and haircutting salons. Not to mention all the address stamps people use, all the signature stamps used by doctors, all the pocket stamps used by notaires….well, the list goes on and on.
The point is, if you happen to be a person who cares to some degree about rubber stamps, then you certainly will care about all the rubber stamp and related products, we offer at great prices, online, at Rubber Stamp Champ. Thanks and good night.
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