In God We Trust Rubber Stamps

In God We Trust Rubber Stamps
These days the tail seems to be wagging the dog in America with religious symbols and references systematically being stripped from a society whose original tennents were based on a powerful belief in God. That’s why is says In God We Trust on our money. And that’s why, during these increasingly troubling times, when the very fabric of our culture seems to be under attack, that is why people are fighting back in any way they possibly can, and what some people have done is they got themselves a rubber stamp and they stamp In God We Trust all over everything they can possibly think of.
Other folks like the real old symbols of the United States…like the American Eagle. Or the even earlier, Gadsden Flag symbol showing a coiled snake with the inscription Don’t Tread On me. Don’t Tread On Me rubber stamps, just like other paraphernalia with that emblazoned on them, have become exceedingly popular. In fact the funny part about the people who are wanting to rip the symbols we hold dear right out of our culture, is that the harder they fight to get rid of them, the more persistent they become.
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