Rubber Stamp Champ

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Self Inking Return Address Stamps

Self inking return address stamps aren’t the first words that come out of every one’s mouth, but if that’s what you need, you know where to get it.  Just go online and visit

Here’s why.  Rubber Stamp Champ is the most comprehensive online resource for buying rubber stamps anywhere in the world. Rubber Stamp Champ specializes in rubber stamps.

God Bless America

God Bless America

We make them ourselves as we have for well over a decade.  We are not an office supply store.  Office supply stores are the worst place in the world to buy rubber stamps.  They don’t make their own stamps.

Instead they buy the cheapest stamp they possibly can, have someone else make it, and then, because their hard costs are so high, charge you an arm and a leg for an inferior product that takes to long to get and has no care or patience in the making.  So listen, the choice is really a no-brain-er.  And in the last five years, with 400,000 people ordering rubber stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ, you can tell the office supply store is getting more and more popular for paperclips and less and less popular for rubber stamps.

21 October, 2009 (09:45) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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