Rubber Stamps For Patriots

Rubber Stamps For Patriots
So now there’s a petition to recall Obama.
This makes all the sense in the world, because the guy who says he wasn’t there when his pastor screamed “GD America” over and over, now seems like he might have written Wright’s sermon.
Everyone who thought this joker was going to fix the economy because he was a democrat are now wondering what hit them. All he does is lie about how the ugliest numbers in six decades are looking good, while vowing to outspend daily what the Third Reich spent on all of World War Two. On crap that won’t even be improved, but most probably made worse by the expenditure.
And don’t forget he’s The Pretender In Chief as well, declaring war on the Taliban and letting them know when we’ll pull out at the same time…..even a West Point cadet wouldn’t sign off on that strategy, and, as you may have noticed, none of them did. Pathetic.
He can’t even come down the stairway off an airplane like a guy who has confidence. And that’s nothing. All of it’s nothing compared to Cap and Trade. The list goes on. Look at this global warming fiasco. Statistics show his plan to do something about melting icebergs would dramatically increase worldwide hunger and starvation…among human beings, not seals. And speaking of which, how about stepping in and trying to save our seals? You know the one’s who punched the terrorist.
The United States is in a situation right now that reminds my of what Ron Brown said when he had to testify at the first trial, “this is sad OJ.”

Patriotic Rubber Stamps
It is indeed a sad day for America….that out leader doesn’t like our country? Oh well. That’s what we stuck ourselves with so now we have to do something about it. It’s only sad if we let it happen. What can you do?
It’s small, but it’s a start. Sign a petition to recall Obama.
Or sign on to and get yourself some patriotic rubber stamps. Self ink, hand stamp or pre inked….you can use them when you write congress and tell them to stamp out big government.
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