Rubber Stamps And Desk Signs

Rubber Stamps For Glossy Surfaces
What do rubber stamps and desk signs have in common? They are both custom made items that you can get a ton cheaper and a ton faster if you don’t order them from the office supply store but instead go online and get them at www.
When you do that you get your stamps and engraved desk signs from people who make them. No middleman. That means you save time and money like crazy. You know what else it means, when you work direct with the manufacture you get exactly what you want. We don’t offer rubber stamps and engraved desk signs as some kind of sidelight like the office supply stores do. In fact, to make my point even more clear, when you order from an office supply store, they turn around and order from someone like us. They don’t have the time or the equipment to make custom products, they just offer them because they don’t want to not have them, and then since they have them, they have to try and make money on them and it all turns into a piece of crud when compared to ordering from us.
So if you need rubber stamps of any type, self inking rubber stamps, address rubber stamps, pre inked rubber stamps or rubber stamps for stamping on glossy surfaces, come to us, not them and you’ll be glad you did. Rubber Stamp Champ. Design, proof and order rubber stamps online in a totally secure environment. Thanks!
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