Rubber Stamp Champ

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Order Rubber Date And Number Stamps Online

Number Rubber Stamps From The Champ

Number Rubber Stamps From The Champ

Here’s five great reasons why you should order rubber date stamps online from the Rubber Stamp Champ rather than going to a local office supply store.

1)Our prices are way lower on the same rubber stamp products because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

2)You get your order way faster because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

3)Your order is made exactly the way you wanted it because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

4)If you need help with your order our customer service people can help you on the phone, because we make our own rubber stamps and the office supply store doesn’t.

5)If there’s a problem we stand behind our product because we make our own rubber stamps….and…well you get the idea.

It’s easy to order online as well, we’ve made sure of that…fun too.  Get creative!

We can make your rubber stamps, rubber date stamps, self inking stamps, pre inked stamps, or even tradition rubber hand stamps with just about any art or text you want on them.  Rubber stamps used to come from the office supply store.  Not anymore.

Just ask any one of our half a million new customers and they’ll give you five reasons of their own.  Thanks, and thanks for shopping the Rubber Stamp Champ.

Defeat Big Government Spending Now.

7 January, 2010 (08:47) | Ink Stamps, Large Rubber Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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