Rubber Stamp Champ

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Versadater Rubber Date Stamps

Versadater Rubber Stamps

Versadater Rubber Stamps

If you want Versadater rubber date stamps to stamp the date and you want to do it with either a lot or some very large surrounding information, like in the example shown, there just isn’t any better way to get at the issue than the Versadater rubber date stamps from Xstamper.  This baby gets 100,000 impressions without needing re-inking. So I guess you won’t be needing to replace it anytime soon.

You won’t want to either, after you get your hands on this monster-stamper.  They called Xstamper the Cadillac of the industry back when Cadillac meant something special…it doesn’t anymore, but Xstampers are still the most solid feeling, solid impression-delivering daters out there.

Trust Rubber Stamp Champ.  Go to  We’ve got EZ-secure online ordering where you can customize proof and order all kinds of different great rubber stamps, selfing stamps, pre inked stamps and more….all at great prices and super fast delivery times.  Check us out.  A half million new customers in the past five years can’t be wrong.  Thanks. And thanks for ordering from the Champ.

PS. Dump Obama in 20012!

8 January, 2010 (12:44) | Address Rubber Stamps, Address Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stamps | By: Mike

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