Rubber Stamps For CDs
If you listen to itunes and you have a car, and with ipods and everything these days it’s not as prevalent as it was say 15 or twenty months ago, but people still make their own cds and dvds like crazy, off itunes and wherever else they get them, and if you’re one of those people you know how you’ve been identifying your cds, right…with some Magic Marker, or some Sharpie and it’s all sloppy and ugly looking and half the time, later on, when you want to, you can’t even read it.
Well the best bet is to get rubber stamps instead. Permanet rubber stamps for marking cds…rubber stamps with fast drying permanent ink in them.
We’ve got them in 21 different sizes
Rubber Stamps With Permanent Ink
at Rubber Stamp Champ, and they make marking your cds a heck of a lot more neater and presentable than you ever thought possible with a sharpie. So go online dj, and visit Rubber Stamp Champ where you can even upload artwork and customize your permanent ink stamp just the way you want it.
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