Rubber Stamp Champ

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Rubber Stamp Champ delivered 5000 custom rubber stamps to Amtrack faster than any other stamp maker could, for new homeland security regulations post 9/11

Rubber Stamp Champ delivered 5000 custom rubber stamps to Amtrak faster than any other stamp maker could, for new Homeland Security regulations post 9/11.

For volume discounts and the fastest turn around times on large order custom rubber stamps and high volume rubber stamp orders, it’s best to turn to The Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos, CA.

We actually got our first big order right after the twin towers went down at the hands of some sick, stupid pukes who thought ending thousands of innocent, hard-working lives and wrecking tens of thousands more was their ticket to heaven.

Amtrak needed 5000 self inkers pronto, to deal with new Homeland Security regulations and the only stamp maker in America who could meet their turnaround deadline was the Rubber Stamp Champ in San Marcos.

The Rubber Stamp Champ has grown quite a bit since that time, in fact, instead of a few customers we now have a few hundred thousand. But we still have the same eager to please attitude, and we still make large orders of rubber stamps in a hurry.  In fact, if need be, with a little advance notice, we can make you around 7500 self inking rubber stamps in a day.

That’s just part of the reason why, when it comes to large order rubber stamps, the Rubber Stamp Champ is the rubber stamps Champion of the world!

18 February, 2010 (09:42) | Address Stamps, Custom Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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