Hey Obama, Define Vulnerable And Outcast.
The following is from a website dedicated to exposing on an ongoing basis the travesty far left wing abortion policies have on us as a society and on the black population in specific.
Dear Friend of Life,
Thank you for your interest in ObamaNation.com.
Obama wants to:
• Nominate pro-abortion justices on the US Supreme Court. He may get the opportunity to nominate up to three justices in the next four years.
• Pass the Freedom of Choice Act. In 2007, Obama told the Planned Parenthood Action Fund that the Freedom of Choice Act would be the first piece of legislation he would sign as president.
Obama has already
• Permitted Abortion Funding Overseas. The “Global Gag Rule,” also known as the Mexico City Policy, a Reagan-era policy forbids U.S. funding going to support abortion overseas. Obama has already authorized again funding the U.N. Population Fund which will support abortions overseas.
If you love your life and would hate to have had it taken from you before it started, check out this petition and get involved in stopping worldwide U.S. Obama-sponsored fetal homicide.
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