Ink Stamps Custom Made For Less
February 22, 2009 by knockoutpolitics
CNN Declares Obama Victorious In Iraq

CNN Hated Bush's War In Iraq, Now They Give Credit To Obama For Making The Whole Thing Work
In the latest left wing spin that CNN specializes in, they are saying that after years of screw-ups in Iraq, the country is now starting to do well.
In their vicious ongoing attempt to rewrite history as it happens, they will never credit Bush for the brilliance he had in brining democracy to the Mideast in a meaningful way.
His idea was a phenomenal one, that the United States would be best served by having a democratic Mideastern state instead of all the mullah-bull-ah sadistic Islamic bull crap anti-American terrorist thinking that rules most of the OPEC countries. And he along with the American Military made it happen with only 100% complete resistance being offered by morons like Wolf Blitzer.
And now that Wolf sees the light in Bush’s great decision to topple Saddam, he wants to give The Obama Administration credit for it. How pathetic. And yet how typical of how the left wing press ties to make sure that the people they dislike are vilified and the people they like are uplifted.
Maybe Obama can appoint Wolf to Burris’s empty Senate seat when that happens.
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