Where’s George Stamps For $3.99
The once-a-decade census is more than a national nose count. It’s used to divvy tax dollars for roads and hospitals, spot population trends for schools, business and social programs, and – did we forget? – play high-stakes politics.

Who's Counting And Why In The Upcoming Census.
The task comes loaded with importance, and that’s why the Obama team is making a mistake by requiring that the next census director report to the White House instead of the Commerce Department bureaucracy. The decennial count is about information gathering, not partisan score settling.
The political gamesmanship has just produced its first casualty or trophy kill, depending on your vantage point. Late last week New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg bowed out as the nominee for secretary of commerce, citing his opposition to the Democratic stimulus package and also a decision to whisk away the census from his job description. In divorce-court lingo, he cited “irresolvable conflicts” with the president on the two issues in dropping out and returning to the Senate.
What happened to Gregg, was that as a man of principal when he was exposed to the vicious underbelly of the left wing Obama administration, he threw up….and then decided to withdraw his name from consideration.
Of course Obama is going to use the power of The Presidency to advance his own radical agenda, that’s what he’s always done, that’s what he learned in Chicago working with Ayers, Blagojevich and Wright. Of course he’s going to give the census to his new radical buddy Rahm Emmanuel, of course they are going to screw around with it to give an advantage to left wing democrats….that’s what Acorn did during the election, and that’s what the democrats have always been all about….to sum up their philosophy in a nutshell…winning is more important than how you play the game.
Sad but true. Keep your eyes open America. You’re losing your rights and freedoms faster than you think…Obama and Pelosi are out to rig the future of the country so it can become more and more of a socialistic state. Because they think that is the only fair thing to do. They think that will help people who have less. Actually, it will hurt the people they are trying to help. Look at the whole history of welfare and how it debilitates those who receive it.
At Rubber Stamp Champ, we believe in exercising our rights. As I am right now exercising my right to free speech. Use it or lose it may never be a more apt assessment of where we stand with our rights, right now. There’s a socialist, or worse in the White House. He’s negotiating with terrorists and and taxing you whether you like it or not. We have to be pay attention, and strengthen our rights now by exercising them. In the meantime, if you really need rubber stamps….especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps, where’s george rubber stamps, eco friendly stamps, craft stamping kits, hand stamps, large rubber stamps, large custom rubber stamps, round rubber stamps, square rubber stamps, alphabet stamps, craft stamps, discount rubber stamps, discount ink stamps,date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, where’s george stamps, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at www.RubberStampChamp.com.
For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50. You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get a customized ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.
We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day. That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ. If you buy rubber stamps at all, get them from The Champ. We’re sure you’ll love our great attitude toward customer service and our Knockout Prices!
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