Xstamper Refill Ink
Get Xstamper Refill Ink At Knockout Prices from RubberStampchamp.com.
It’s easy to get your Xstamper refill ink applied to your Xstamper stamps from RubberStampChamp.com. Just follow these simple instructions and all your Xstamper products can easily be refilled.
Xstamper pre inked rubber stamps, Xstamper daters, Xstamper ink stamps and more all ship free at RubberStampChamp.com.

Re Inking Xstamper Pre Inked Rubber Stamps With Xstamper Ink Refills From RubberStampChamp.com
Custom rubber stamps, address stamps, signature stamps and pre inked rubber stamps are available at RubberStampChamp.com in 11 bright colors including turquoise.
Most custom self inking rubber stamps, whether they be Trodat or Ideal, have a small plastic insert that pops out when you flex the stamp like you do when you stamp it.
This small plastic insert is actually a miniature ink pad, and we can send you as many new ones as you want, just make sure to order the exact pad for the exact stamp model you have, because the larger pads fit larger stamps and the smaller stamps have smaller pads.
Anyway, every Ideal and Trodat product has it’s own individual pad and must be purchased by model number. Otherwise, if you have an Ideal 50 and you order a pad for an Ideal 100 that won’t work.
Xstamper ink refills and Xstamper refill ink in bottles is also available at RubberStampChamp.com and easy to apply with the instructions at the left, which can also be found online at RubberStampChamp.com.
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