Rubber Stamp Champ

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Custom Round Traditional Hand Stamps

Custom round wood hand stamps faster, and for less, at

Get custom round wood hand stamps faster, and for less, at

With all the custom self-inking and pre-inking, number and dater stamps Rubber Stamp Champ features and sells on our very busy website,, we still have people ask us about old school stamps like our traditional, custom round traditional hand stamps.

We simply point them in the right direction, as we produce traditional wooden hand stamps that can be customized in sizes from as small as a half an inch around, all the way up to three inches around!

Doesn’t matter what exactly you’d like to customize your traditional round wooden stamp with either.

The graphic design department at Rubber Stamp Champ can help you customize your traditional round wooden stamp’s die to make it stamp anything your heart desires, even a heart shape!

Even the smallest traditional round wooden stamp at qualifies for free shipping!

29 June, 2012 (22:31) | Hand Stamps, Rubber Stamps, Stamps Rubber | By: Mike

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