Rubber Stamp Champ

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Custom Round Rubber Pocket Stamps

You may not have round pockets but you could probably still use a round pocket stamp!

You may not have round pockets but you could probably still use a round pocket stamp!

When it comes to custom round rubber hand stamps,’s one and three quarter inch round rubber hand stamp is one of the most versatile stamps available today!

The dust cover serves a dual purpose. The dust cover (hence the name) also serves a second purpose as the round custom rubber hand stamp pad. The dust cover/under cover ink pad combined with a portable size, and top shelf quality rubber stamp makes the perfect companion for those who find an un-cumbersome portable custom round rubber hand stamp a business must.

Not only is the one and three quarter inch round rubber pocket stamp ultra-portable with an almost mini sized handle, but the content of the impression your new ultra-portable round rubber stamp can be customized to say whatever you’d like!

Finally, since is the low, low knockout custom rubber stamp online price champion, we’re offering an eight dollar savings and free shipping on this custom rubber stamp set up.

If you have a whole team which are required to have a round stamp with them at all times, then’s bulk price list is perfect for you!

Custom round rubber hand stamps and all orders over ten dollars SHIP FREE with!!!

25 July, 2012 (15:41) | Corporate Seals and Stamps, Pocket Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Round Personalized Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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