Rubber Stamp Champ

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Cosco® GL2600 Green Line Heavy Duty Self-Inker

Self-inking Cosco Green Line rubber stamps from rubberStampchamp[.com, with free full customization with your art and text...FREE!

Self-inking Cosco Green Line rubber stamps from, with free full customization with your art and text...FREE! is environmentally conscious so we offer Green Line rubber stamps, for instance, the Cosco GL2600!

This heavy duty self-inking rubber stamp boasts numerous features including up to nine lines of text or logo customization at no additional charge, water-based inks for even further environmentally conscious minded users, and a super large impression area measuring one and a half by two and five sixteenths of an inches in size.

The Cosco GL2600 also boasts the ability to swap ink pads and comes with the ability to be re-inked after thousands of crisp, clear, environmentally friendly impressions.

In addition to the free shipping which comes with this self-inking heavy duty green line rubber stamp, we’re offering almost twenty dollars in savings over our already low, low, knockout pricing!

31 July, 2012 (18:09) | Address Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

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