Ten-Band Trodat Custom Numbering Rubber Stamps

Shop Rubber Stamp Champ and save on Trodat ten-band custom number rubber stamps.
RubberStampChamp.com’s self-inking stock numbering rubber stamps by Trodat, the Printy 4846 and the eight band, customizable Trodat 5558/PL self-inking rubber stamp are awesome self-inking examples of high-quality, built RubberStampChamp.com tough to last and are refillable for years of intense rubber stamp use.
This Custom Numberer by Trodat is perfectly suited for all-day-high-volume rubber stamping needs. The ergonomically designed handle slips perfectly into your hand, almost an extension of yourself, it’s made with super high quality plastics, a robust steel core and is re-inkable for reliable all day use.
The Trodat 55510/PL Custom Numberer with ten bands also comes free of any shipping charges!
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