Rubber Stamp Champ

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Knockout Self-Inking Rubber Stamp Selection!

As if Ideal, Trodat and Cosco self-inking customizable rubber stamps didn’t offer an appropriate number of rubber stamp choices, stocks Shiny self-inking stamps too!

The Champs advocate the proper stamp for the plethora of functions a rubber stamp can be used for.

While the aforementioned Cosco, Ideal and Trodat self-inking rubber stamps allow for most instances.

Shiny self-inking stamps provide rubber stamp impression printing capabilities in irregular spaces.

In the past you might have gotten away utilizing a self-inking stamp that didn’t quite fit the area you printed impressions in.

Rubber Stamp Champ now offers you the option of using only the properly fit self-inking stamp for your irregularly shaped area.



23 April, 2014 (03:38) | Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Self-Inking Rubber Stamp Replacement Ink Pads, Stamp | By: Mike

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