Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Alphabet Rubber Stamps

Do Business With JustRite Rubber Stamps

11 February, 2025 (16:08) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Heavy-Duty Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

A while back there was a young blond, or so the story goes, who came upon a cottage wherein a Mamma, Papa and Baby bear lived…only when she arrived the bears were momentarily out, while they left three bowls of porridge cooling on the kitchen table.

Being hungry, and a bit bold, she tasted some from each of the three bowls and found Papa’s to be too hot, Mamma’s to be too cold, but baby bear’s was just right.

She also finds the baby bear’s bed to her liking and after devouring the little one’s breakfast she passes out there until the Grizzlys’ return home and then runs from the place never to be seen again, until this Rubber Stamp Champ blog post.

Not sure if you’d call that a happy ending, but we will provide one in a moment, and we also have a JustRite story that ends well if you happen to be in the market for alphanumeric stamps, self-inking and non-self inking, in an easy to order format with hundreds of customizing choices, so you can get the JustRite stamp that’s just right for you!

If that sounds right, you’ll also appreciate the fact that we offer great pricing on JustRite stock daters, price marker stamps, refill ink and much more!

JustRite Stamps is a trusted name in the stamp-making industry, thanks to the brand’s reliable designs that have withstood the test of time. With JustRite stamps and supplies, you get quick and accurate impressions every time, even over years of continued use.

For example, JustRite’s high-quality price markers are used in grocery stores, department stores and supermarkets worldwide. JustRite stamps are ideal for quick, repetitive applications. They feature 5 number bands that are easily adjusted and tight-fitting, meaning that you can quickly change them for as many impromptu price adjustments as needed, without fear of the bands breaking or slipping.

JustRite products offer operation that is smooth and quiet, ensuring a pleasant working experience. The handle is constructed with a curved, comfortable grip to keep the user’s hand from aching, while the price marker’s body is designed with a sturdy, metal frame to ensure that the device lasts for years to come. The rubber base provides non-slip protection against potential ink smudges.

And the business woman at the top of this story, that’s Goldilocks…all grown up now, running a company, and still very much into things being JustRite!

Holiday Rubber Stamps Make Holidays Happier

23 December, 2024 (21:34) | Address Rubber Stamps, Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

What is happiness, anyway?

According to our Research Department, happiness is a feeling of contentment or joy associated with positive experiences. It can also be described as a state of mind characterized by a sense of purpose, positive emotions, and fulfillment. 

Happiness is closely linked to well-being and overall life satisfaction. People who experience higher levels of happiness tend to have: better physical and mental health, stronger social relationships, and greater resilience in the face of adversity.

Happiness is a also a personal thing, as different for most people as their individual faces. Janis Joplin saw happiness as a new car, in her song about “Oh lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz,” although I’ve driven both and the BMW line is far more performance-oriented and thereby a car that would make this driver happier than the other.

Sometimes it isn’t always a super big thing that brings happiness, and we have over 17,000 5-Star reviews that show just how happy a little thing like a rubber stamp can make people!

As in the case above, it was the stamp and the customer service care we take on every rubber stamp order, that made this person happy.

Would a new custom address stamp that produced thousands of flawless impressions for under $20 make you happy? How about a notary stamp all set up with your state requirements? Or an 16-band alpha-numeric stamp that had just the right combination of letters and numbers you need to identify an item? Or how about a fabric ink kit that would allow you to make custom clothing designs?

No worries if none of the above choices appeal to you, we have over 4000 rubber stamp and related items carefully organized and categorized on our website, so we pretty much gaurantee if you are seeking any one of those many choices, you will find it with us.

And we predict, when you find what you want, and order it, working with us will make you happy! So give it a try today, and bring a little extra joy to your holidays, and your life!

Custom Letter And Number Band Stamps

20 December, 2024 (19:04) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

On March 17th, 1845, the London industrialist Stephen Perry was granted the patent for the production of elastic bands from vulcanised natural rubber. Since then, he has been considered the inventor of the rubber band.

Quite some time later another Steve Perry became famous for his work with bands as lead singer for a rock group named Journey.

And since we make letter and number band stamps, with regard to bands that play music, you could say that a letter band is AC/DC and that Blink 182 would be a number band, or a combination of letters and numbers.

But the letter and number band stamps we provide are different than that. We offer letter bands, number bands and combinations thereof in so many different sizes, varieties, fonts and construction that we are sure to have the exact band stamp you need.

When choosing tools for your workplace, stamps offer convenience and affordability. With the right stamp, you can clearly communicate important information without the tediousness of repeatedly writing the same thing over and over again. Our collection of self-inking and non-self-inking number and letter stamps are useful for a variety of purposes. They are ideal for checking deliveries, verifying inspections, communicating due dates to customers, and more. Best of all, they are affordable and easy to use! We offer a wide selection of number and letter stamps to fit your needs.

All of our number and letter stamps offer smooth rotation and quiet mechanisms for a stamp that won’t disrupt the work day. The easy to adjust bands are perfect for communicating different information with a simple turn of the dial.

Every one of the number and letter stamps we proudly offer features the best of quality in terms of both construction and performance. You get thousands of clear and clean impressions of vivid definition before requiring replacement ink. Choose from an array of ink colors and ink types to find the option that is perfect for your desired application. Made in the heavy-duty style, these rubber stamps are built to last for many years of use. They feature a sturdy metal frame construction with a soft material grip for ultimate comfort. Once you have chosen the right size and band count for your needs, we would be happy to customize it at no extra cost!

So for the invention of rubber bands we thank the original Steve Perry, and we invite you to visit our website and see all the great things we’ve done with that invention, and how we can configure a band stamp perfect for your application!

Get Help Ordering Custom Rubber Stamps

19 August, 2024 (16:32) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

At Rubber Stamp Champ we aren’t looking for the easy way out, we are, in fact, ready to jump through hoops to help you get your order exactly the way you want it!

You might ask yourself, ‘Isn’t ordering rubber stamps, even custom rubber stamps, pretty simple, fast and easy on your site?’ And the answer is, you are correct, most of the time.

Yes! For a simple address stamp, even a special monogram address stamp, or a notary stamp, and even more sophisticated purchases like die plate daters, automatic numbering machines and special stamps for industrial use, like inspections stamps, all are mostly easy and fast. In fact, out of our 17 thousand five star reviews, very many people extol the virtues of shopping our site because we do make rubber stamp ordering, even from 4000 items we have available, quite fast and easy.

Then again we often do meet people with more challenging demands, and while stamping permanent white ink on glass with an intricate logo design may not be as challenging as confronting a Wholly Mammoth with spears, it can and does have its moments, as can be the case with complex sixteen band alpha-numeric custom stamps.

Whatever the case may be, whether you are looking to use custom rubber stamps for surfaces like leather, plastic and glass, or if your art work requires special attention in order for us to reproduce it perfectly in the stamping format of your choice, we will know the answer and if you call on us, you’ll be glad you did!

Check out all the fine products at great prices we have ready to order for fast delivery, and if you have questions or need additional help, just chat with us live, email us at or give us a call at 800-469-7826…if you need some hoop jumping, no one does it as well as we do!

Customize Justrite® Band Stamps

22 February, 2024 (19:40) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Custom Assembly Band Stamps, Custom Band Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, and an almost infinite number of numbers, although all are configurations, somehow, of 0-9. In a vast number of places such as commercial laundries, clothing manufacturing companies, legal processing applications, accounting and many other venues, alphanumeric band stamps are required to make processes orderly and perfect.

Alphanumeric stamps are one of the best products designed to make hand-written, repetitive information a thing of the past. When you deal with numbers and number/letter combinations for stamping on a wide variety of surfaces, including paper, for hours daily, our fully customizable Justrite stampers are perfect for your needs.

JustRite Alphanumeric Stamps are the perfect solution. We’re excited to be able to offer our customers both Stock and Custom Band Stamps created by JustRite, a brand trusted for exceptional quality. With an all-metal design created from premium materials, the JustRite Alphanumeric Stamps are made for high-stress environments while remaining durable for years.

This is also super important, because once you know you need a band stamp, and what you want on it, and how big you want the characters to be, what you really want at that point is to find an easy way to order the custom product that specifically fits your application.

That’s where our miraculous web team comes in, because they have made the whole complex process of ordering these instruments as easy as pie.

15 Thousand+ 5-Star reviewers can’t be wrong when one of the things they frequently mention is how easy it is to order on our site. Visit us today at where you’ll find that we do custom band stamps Justrite®!

Holiday Rubber Stamps For Easter

4 April, 2023 (11:58) | Address Rubber Stamps, Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Stock message holiday rubber stamps are a hit with many of our customers, view the entire selection now and grab a couple for Easter!

Custom and stock message rubber stamps are our specialty at Rubber Stamp Champ, and in fact we have nearly 3000 products available, including items that can fill your Easter basket with fun and usefulness.

Consider the fact the we offer all major brands of self-inking and pre inked custom rubber stamps at incredible savings, including 50% off retail on the most widely used brands including Trodat, Ideal and Shiny.

Our selection of pre inked stamps includes Xstamper, Maxlite and our own special brand for stamping on a wide variety of non-paper surfaces like glass, leather, fabric and plastic, the refillable and easy to use ChampFast products.

ChampFast is our own brand of multi-surface pre inked stamps available in 22 sizes and shapes including rectangle, square and round!

So whether you are looking for stamps to celebrate the holidays, kitchen of rubber stamps to identify all your great recipes, or business oriented rubber stamps like automatic numbering machines, alpha-numeric band stamps, date and number stamps, peg stamps for stamping in hard to reach spaces, or large stamps made of wood and provided with handles for marking packages and outgoing mail, Rubber Stamp Champ has what you need like no other site online!

Visit us today at! We guarantee you’ll like the experience of shopping all we have to choose from in the rubber stamp category and you’ll not only find us easy to shop, you’ll also find it easy to design, proof and order exactly what you need.

We make and ship most orders the day they are placed, so you know you’ll get your custom or stock rubber stamps fast, no matter where you live!

Call 800-469-7826 with any questions!

JustRite Non-Self Inking Numbering Stamp

27 January, 2023 (01:29) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Number Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

How do you know when something is just right?

If you recall childhood memories that included the story about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. What she found, when she entered their cottage, was that one bowl of porridge was too hot, another was too cold, but one was just right.

The young lady was a smart shopper let’s say and not about to settle for anything that was even a little bit off the mark from what she was looking for.

In a similar vein, Rubber Stamp Champ offers alphanumeric band stamps, that are indeed by name, JustRite..but always also just right for the task you have before you.

We submit this for your number stamping needs, and if it isn’t just right, we don’t know what would be.

Suitable for your numbering and/or lettering needs this JustRite non-self-inking numbering stamp is robust and dependable. It comes with 6 natural rubber character bands at a #1, 5/32″ character height (approx. 16pt font), approximate width is 1-1/8″, and comes stock (Numbers 0-9 w/ 6 special characters) or custom (available in either A-M, N-Z, or 0-9 & your choice of one of the following characters: $ . ¢ / X -).

This stamp requires the use of an ink pad, sold separately or a manually inkable dry pad to use with JustRite Rapid Ink. This stamp is all metal frame with plastic wheels. You can use the synthetic buna rubber upgrade option to stamp with stronger industrial grade ink which may require more frequent ink pad changes.

This is one of many configurations we offer, and we know you’ll be super happy with the results they produce, even if the application you have is a real bear!

Order JustRite Band Stamps Online

16 August, 2022 (20:08) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Custom Band Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

JustRite Custom Metal Stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ.

JustRite custom metal stamps are designed from the ground up to be designed by you.

Rubber Stamp Champ now provides each stamp featuring a solid metal frame engineered to endure even the harshest working environments. The figure bands are made from rubber that will produce exceptional stamped impressions across a wide range of surfaces, utilizing inks that are formulated to do the same.

JustRite stamps are available in both self-inking and hand stamp formats, with or without dates, and can be customized in a near unlimited number of ways, from the number and type of bands, to personalized impressions, to the impression size and more. These ultra-durable stamps are constructed on-demand, in-house right here in the USA by specially trained special assemblers with years of experience to guarantee that the stamps built for you are built right.

And as for where JustRite stamps can be used… the applications are nearly as unlimited as the customization. From warehouses, to offices, to industrial environments and more, JustRite stamps excel in just any environment they’re applied. This means that there is a JustRite stamp that be customized to be JustRite for you.

Rubber Stamp Champ is happy to help you with your JustRite alpha-numeric custom band stamp order!

Visit Rubber Stamp Champ today for JustRite custom band stamps. We have exactly what you need in over 600 different configurations. Get the custom made letter and number band stamps that are JusRite for you. Remember, when ordering band stamps, it’s either JustRite..or it’s just wrong!

Pullman Alpha-Numeric Band Stamps

1 June, 2022 (14:10) | Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Professional Stamps and Seals, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Built to last, right? It’s a claim that’s touted in a lot of places about a lot of products, and in many cases it may or may not be entirely true. When one says, however, that Pullman alpha-numeric band stamps as offered by Rubber Stamp Champ are built to last, it’s not only true, it’s demonstrably true.

This Pullman band stamps was produced in the early 1900s and is still working perfectly today, at least 100 years latter!!

In fact, in the example shown above, this stamp which served in post offices for over a century is now being offered for sale as it continues to be a functioning heavy duty stamp that may well last into the next century.

Here’s what the seller has to say about it:


At Rubber Stamp Champ we offer brand new Pullman stamps made in the same durable way, right here in the United States.

Get your Pullman stamps at Rubber Stamp Champ!

At Rubber Stamp Champ, Pullman stamps are available in various sizes that can accommodate up to 22 bands on the smallest models and 8 bands on the largest models. Rubber Stamp Champ also offers custom assembly options so that you can customize each band with numbers 0-9 and letters A-Z. These traditional stamps are available in Roman and Gothic fonts, but keep in mind as you shop that

All Pullman stamps require the use of a separately sold ink pad which you can find on our site. If you’re in the market for butcher stamps, look no further than the Pullman Meat Locker Butcher Stamp. Made in the USA, it features 24 phrases related to either Beef or Pork, depending on your preference. You can choose between the two types of meat with phrases in two different sizes: a small 24 pt font or a large 31 pt font. It’s great for use in supermarkets, butcher shops, deep-freeze lockers, storage and processing plants and more. The stamp includes a speed key for easy phrase selection and perfect alignment, so you don’t have to worry about the lettering on your products appearing cluttered and unprofessional.

Pullman Alphanumeric stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ come in a range of four different sizes as well as large date stamps. Their smallest alphanumeric stamp is the Pullman 6-Band Alphanumeric Stamp, featuring a character height of 1/8″ with 6 bands. Each adjustable band contains letters A-Z and numbers 0-9, allowing the user to create a wide range of messages. The largest alphanumeric stamp is the Pullman 8-Band Number stamp, featuring 8 customizable bands and a 1″ character height. No matter what your stamping needs are, there are Pullman stamp supplies for you.

If you have any questions about which of our Pullman stamp supplies would best suit your needs, we’d love to help. Reach out to us by phone, 800-469-7826 or email,, and our attentive customer service team will ease any and all of your concerns!

Pullman..built to last..for real!

Customize Self Inking Rubber Stamps

26 April, 2021 (20:17) | Address Rubber Stamps, Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

At Rubber Stamp Champ, like someone else once said, special orders don’t upset us!

So many things that people buy in today’s world are just exactly like the things everyone else has. For example, if you buy a Honda, most people would have a hard time knowing at first glance if it was one of those, a Toyota, a VW, a Nissan, a Kia, or whatever else, and I’m sure you get the picture of some white or silver suppository shaped thing passing you on the right, that could be any of the above if not one of many others, just like it.

At, on the other hand, we are proud to represent and make daily, custom, personalized items for thousands of people, and whether these items include your company logo, your own home address, a line art drawing of a giraffe, or a set of numbers and letters combined in a way that only mean something to you, we are always happy to make personalized self inking stamps, customized pre-inked stamps, wood hand stamps with your logo or artwork, or any one of thousands of other items you may want, made just for you, exactly the way only you want them.

Visit us today and view all our great marking products for paper, plastic, metal and other materials. Rubber Stamp Champ, where you can get date stamps, hand stamps, notary stamps and more, made to order, on the day you order!

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