The Automatic Numbering Machine Choice

In Terminator movies the robots get smart and attempt to take over the world by causing nuclear war. In Hollywood the script writers are gifted people with wild imaginations who can make stories like that work. In the real world robots do simple tasks over and over so people don’t have to, and robots never get carpel tunnel syndrome or need workers compensation.
Now, robots and artificial intelligence as it’s called, can be programed to drive automobiles, and heading into the Callahan with a passenger or two they epitomize carpool tunnel syndrome, but they react to things skilled drivers wouldn’t react to, and sometimes it seems like the smarter devices get, the dumber they become, like phones or computers that autocorrect your typing and turn words like hellbent into helpful because they thought that’s what you meant.

Of course there is a huge difference between automated and automatic, the latter being the old school and brainless things, like automatic transmissions that don’t think at all and are simply designed to move your car from second to third, fourth, and so on as you speed up, and ingeniously perform these procedures flawlessly without you needing to apply a clutch or manipulate a gearshift lever.
Automatic weapons place the next round in the chamber without needing a rotating barrel, and in fact, the word automatic has been in the culture for a long time meaning perfectly, and without question repeating, like the best field goal kicker in the league who comes out and effortlessly sails the ball end over end through the uprights while the refs shoot both their arms into the air and the home team scores another three points.

In this vein we offer a full line of automatic numbering machines that do mindless and flawless repetition and make changes, like the transmission on a car, over and over in a very predictable manner so you can do the stamping work you need to without being second guessed by some device programmed to be smarter than you, but which is instead far from it, to the point of being a nuisance.

With our automatic numbering machines every option available offers superior quality for long-lasting performance capable of thousands of impressions. Every impression is clean, clear and easy to read. Our Xstamper® automatic numbering machines feature six to 12 metal wheels/seven actions (repeat, consecutive duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate, six times and twelve times), drop ciphers, precision movements and lustrous chrome finish. A stylus is included for indexing. Pads should be re-inked with automatic numbering machine ink only.

Our inventory features several choices for adding a high-quality automatic numbering stamp to your tools. Every option available offers superior quality for long-lasting performance capable of thousands of impressions. Every impression is clean, clear and easy to read. LION heavy-duty automatic numbering machines include a wide range of choices from the 5-wheel model to the 13-wheel model. Various specifications are available for your specific individual need. LION numbering machines are precision crafted of one-piece hardened steel frame. All metal interior construction will provide years of reliable use. This self-inking numbering machine is ideal for sequential numbering operations to use as a date and number stamp, serial number stamp and inspection stamp.
So if you want reliability, dependability, durability and perfectly mindless repetition, program your brain to visit our website where you’ll find every choice you’ll need in automatic numbering machines.