Rubber Stamp Gifts Are Santa’s Helpers

Up on the house top reindeer paws, down through the chimney comes Santa Claus, he lands in the fireplace, right on his furry face, ho ho ho he’s all full of snow, ho ho ho, he’s all full of snow, oh up on the housetop crash boom bang, down through the chimney comes the whole gang!

A re-write of the old song, by a friend of ours, a tad irreverent possibly, but then so is he, and anyway, it’s all in good fun!
Speaking of good fun, there exists the age old practice of pre Christmas gift giving that results in items being put in stockings hung on fireplace mantels, often referred to as a slightly separate holiday called St Nick’s, and resulting in a combination of words unique to the practice called stocking stuffers.

The worst thing a stocking can be stuffed with, allegedly, is a lump of coal, which would be put into the dangling footwear of an individual who, during the year, had been naughty rather than nice. Because you know, Santa has this list and he’s checking it twice to determine who might deserve a briquette and who might deserve, instead, something really cool like a custom monogram rubber stamp.

Rubber stamps, incidentally, can make gifts of a perfect size for putting into a sock, they are in fact about the same dimensions as your average lump of anthracite, but for the nice people on your list can be ordered online from us in an enormous variety of choices that include customized self inking stamps, customized pre inked stamps, hand made wood mounted stamps, and even pre inked stamps designed to be used for stamping on all types of materials other than paper, like glass, wood and leather.
In any case, if you are responsible for being the Santa Claus in your family, or if you happen to wind up in an office game called Secret Santa, and you are looking for an idea, we happily suggest our website as a place to start where you can find all kinds of ways to make someone’s holiday merry with a cool, useful, inexpensive and fun custom rubber stamp gift. Google Rubber Stamp Champ…or ask Rudolph to fire up his nose and light your way!