Time And Date Stamping

Time is a much talked about entity, and apart from being on time, in time or out of time, many famous people have remarked on it’s essence and importance, in some of the following ways:
- “Time is money” – Benjamin Franklin
- “Time waits for no one” – Unknown author
- “Time is the wisest counselor of all” – Pericles
- “Punctuality is the thief of time” – Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
- “The key is in not spending time, but in investing it” – Stephen R. Covey
- “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend” – Theophrastus
- “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late” – William Shakespeare
- “Never leave till tomorrow that which you can do today” – Benjamin Franklin
- “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time” – Leo Tolstoy
- “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
- “Life, if well lived, is long enough” – Seneca
In modern times, clocks underpin everything people do, from work to school to sleep. Timekeeping is also the invisible structure that makes modern infrastructure work. It forms the foundation of the high-speed computers that conduct financial trading and even the GPS system that pinpoints locations on Earth’s surface with unprecedented accuracy.

But humans have likely lived by some version of the clock for a very long time. The ancient Egyptians invented the first water clocks and sundials more than 3,500 years ago. Before that, people likely tracked time with devices that did not survive in the archaeological record—such as an upright stick in the dirt that acted as a primitive sundial—or no device at all, says Rita Gautschy, an archeoastronomer at the University of Basel in Switzerland.
To make sure you are working in the most accurate manner possible, especially on time sensative paperwork, it will be good to avail yourself of some knowledge about products we offer along those lines.

Dates and times are important in any type of business. From knowing when orders were shipped to when they arrived and the person responsible for inspection, dates and times are an essential element in many industries.An easy solution to keep dates and times organized and accurate is the use of high-quality time/date stampers.
They save time on writing by hand and offer a long-lasting impression. These easily adjustable stamps allow users to simply turn a dial to find the right date, right time, stamp and release for the easiest way to track. We offer a diverse selection of five different time/date stampers from premier manufactures including Widmer, Xstamper, Shiny, and Trodat. All have unique capabilities and features so be sure to carefully browse our selection to find the one exactly right for your needs.We offer many different designs of artwork or inscriptions for these carefully constructed stamps, including popular choices such as “Inspected”, “Received On”, “Approved On”, and “Warning” imprints.

We can customize any of our time/date stamps to include not just these headings and adjustable times and dates, but also company name or logo and address, depending on the model and size you choose. Date and Time Stamps print your custom message along with the day, month and year.The Widmer industrial time stamp is versatile, featuring high quality, clean crisp imprints. It is compact and offers a wide variety of desirable features.

All in all, if accurate record keeping, dating documents in a specific way, or just running your business like clockwork are important to you, it may well be high time that your visit our site for the date and date stamps you need!