Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Discount Rubber Stamps

Personalized Rubber Stamps Show Your Spirit

5 February, 2009 (08:48) | Address Stamps, Date Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


Float Like A Butterfly.

Float Like A Butterfly.


Sting Like A Bee.

Sting Like A Bee.

Muhammad Ali had a secret, but it wasn’t really a secret because he blasted off and blabbed about it to anyone and everyone who would listen…fans, crowds, media, Cosell, it was a part of Ali that never ended…the constant unveiling of his secrets as a form of communicating to people, who did not take the information as secret information to be treasured and learned from, but rather they thought it was funny, part of the entertainment, Ali The Showman they called him.

What Ali told us was a two part secret. The whole thing was about playing with gravity, which Ali and virtually all other gifted athletes have the innate ability to do.  In fact, the ability to play with, or manipulate gravity is virtually synonymous with the words athletically gifted.  Believe me, if you’re going to stand there, for example in golf and in the wink of an eye and the space of a phone booth take a long metal shaft with a knob on the end and propel a hard white object 350 down the middle, and then do that repeatedly and with enormous accuracy with a whole bunch of other-sized sticks and knobs, well you know how to play with gravity…and indeed you would also be a gifted athlete…like Jack Nicklaus, let’s say, a guy so good at manipulating gravity, and so well known for it, all you have to do to find information about him is Google something like Jack’s Record Book…and it comes up.

So the two part secret he was telling us, about his ability to play with gravity, goes kind of like this;  He could levitate, to some small degree, and that was the Float Like A Butterfly part.  Now back when Ali was saying that all the time, Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee…most people thought the Float Like A Butterfly part, if they thought about any of it at all, meant his ability to stay away from an opponent.

It really meant his ability to levitate, which in and of itself would be meaningless, but the whole secret to Ali was that a brief levitation was followed by a straight right hand with incredibly devastating power. Real power in athletics, like Reggie White’s ability to hit home runs….comes not from static energy but from a transference of energy.  This is the playing with gravity part.  Again, in golf, watch the pro swing closely.  All the pros are physically gifted enough to take advantage of a moment of truth, when gravity is briefly suspended, and a blow with double or triple ordinary force can be obtained off the energy transference. 

In other words, if you look closely, all pros make their forward swing just a split second before their back swing is finished. In other words they time it so their shoulders, arms, hands and club are still moving a tad bit back while they’ve already started their hips turning forward. This is what the word torque means, and it’s the place where all gifted athletes get their magical power.

Ali told us that is one quick sentence, “Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee.”  It’s just that no one was really paying that much attention.  

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we’re inspired by greatness in whatever form it takes. And we try in our own way as well, to shock and amaze our customers with our gift for low prices on top quality custom self inking rubber stamps, delivered anywhere in the united states overnight if you need ’em that fast.

Because if you really need rubber stamps….especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps,

date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at

For example….most places these days, you wind up paying more than $20 for a custom made Ideal 50.  You walk into an office supply store and order from a catalog and it’s going to cost you upwards of $25 to get a customized ideal 50 and then you’re going to wind up waiting a good three weeks before you get the stamp in your hands.

We do the same stamp, the same Ideal 50, the same custom self inking rubber stamp….only here’s the difference…we do it complete for $6.25….and we do it in one day.  That’s the way it is, everyday online at The Rubber Stamp Champ.  If you buy rubber stamps at all, get them from The Champ. We’re sure you’ll love our Knockout Prices!.

Self Inking Rubber Address Stamps

2 February, 2009 (18:06) | Discount Rubber Stamps, Ink Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Ideal® 50 at $6.25 is the best wholesale price on custom self inking rubber stamps online. You get a name brand rubber stamp at the best wholesale price.

Our best wholesale price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

Obama is already in deep crap. Don’t tell all the folks espousing his high approval ratings and his genius at politics for co-opting a strong republican senator by naming him to a cabinet post.  Don’t get real excited either by the fact that Michelle has somehow learned to smile, or that the bobble-headed inaugural commemorative dolls are still selling at a fast clip on the White House website. None of that really matters.

Here’s why.  Remember the old cry of war from the Clinton Camp when they defeated Bush 41? “It’s the economy stupid?” Of course it was true then.  But it’s even more true now, geometrically more so now.  Here’s the context that has His Royal Highness looking a tad bit screwed at the moment.

The So Called Obama Stimulus Package

The So Called Obama Stimulus Package

Obama was elected on the basis that people were sick of an economy that had become sluggish under Bush.  The common sense of the country has always dictated that Republican presidents are better at world affairs and Democratic presidents are good for a sluggish economy.  So they voted for that change to come.  And believe me, even the people who had tears in their eyes over the first black American President, also had their fingers crossed in their pocket that this guy was gonna do basically what Clinton did, come in and the economy would automatically just pick up and go, because that’s what happens when Democrats become President.

And then of course, he and Pelosi had this big stimulous package up their sleeves where all the unfortunate people in America, and many others besides, are going to get some screwed up delivery of extra funds under the guise that these extra funds would fix a sluggish economy.

Here’s the catch. Don’t know if you noticed, but sluggish is not no longer the operative word for the have a sluggish economy right now would be a blessing…in fact, the economy as everyone so glibbly calls it, isn’t sluggish anymore, it went in the toilet….it went down the toilet, down the sewer, down the river and out into the ocean where it is currently sinking to the bottom. So, this new stimulous package everyone’s talking about is even less than the Band-aid cure it would have been for a sluggish economy.  Did you see what Bush’s stimulous package did? It evaporated in the heat like a speck of moisture.  And that was when the economy was merely sluggish, not dropping off the face of the earth.

In an economy where banks have government money they won’t lend because they really need it to keep from going under completely, and where tens of thousands are losing their jobs daily and whole industries are failing, this can of worms they are calling a stimulous package will pass a goofed up congress and then be squashed flat the moment it hits the street.  And with it, Obama’s future.

Let’s not let the new administration turn the United States into something none of us recognize.  To stamp your approval, or disapproval on anything…just contact the Rubber Stamp Champ at for a self inking rubber stamp, custom self inking rubber stamp, self inking address stamp, self inking date stamp or pre inked Xstamper preimum ink stamp. We’ll put your custom message of whatever you want to say on a rubber stamp. Start expressing yourself now, before it’s too late.  Go to and tell the world how you feel with a custom rubber stamp of your own.

Self Inking Rubber Stamps Made Online

1 February, 2009 (11:21) | Date Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Will We Be Able To Borrow Our Way To Future Success? Or Will We Have To Make Our Way There?

Awhile back there was a pretty good TV commercial during which the spokesperson stated gruffly, convincingly, and in a way that made him seem completely intolerant of stupidity, as he looked over his glasses, shook his head emphatically and stated in his stentorian voice…“We make money the old fashioned way, we earn it.”

This statement delivered with such hearty intolerance for wimpy sentiments, may or may not have been entirely true of the company represented, but at one point in time, a long time ago, it was entirely and 100% true of The United States of America.  Of course the very early sentiments of America were even more hard core than that, and were stated quite clearly by the county’s earliest flag.

These non-wimpy positions characterize quite well how America started, grew, survived and prospered as a nation. Almost none of the impetus that propelled us from a prairie state to the largest super power on earth was borrowed.  There was no phony paper, speculation or needing a bank loan to make payroll when the people and the companies that made this country great made it great.  

Bailout, at the time when the American economy was the roaring blast furnace of production that was the envy of every other civilized nation on earth, bailout out that point in time was something you did to a sinking boat on a weekend fishing trip.  It was not a new method of government by which the blind and the broke attempt to help the blind and the broke with corrupt new ideas on how to get by without producing anything at all substantial or meaningful.  

So now, our nation’s motto…instead of Don’t Tread On Me, or We Make Money The Old Fashioned Way, We Earn it…now the motto has become something like…Have You Got Any Spare Change I’m Trying To Get Enough For A Bus Ride To See My Sick Mom?  

Super.  Can You Lend Me A Couple Hundred Trillion…I’m Good For It, Really. Those are today’s mottos. And guess what. If you think they are going to lead us to anything like the kind of success hard work and making things leads to, you’re stupid.  And here’s a second opinion, you’re crazy too.

The American economy that was strong and the envy of the world was based on creative individuals who were able to take raw materials and turn them into products people wanted and could use and were thereby willing to pay for at a price, that would provide profits for the makers and sellers of the stuff, so they would have enough money to keep making it and selling it.  That is how jobs are created.  Not by Barrack Obama sending people $500.  That’s a crack party, not an economy. The United States can only return to prosperity and prominence by making it’s way there…and making it’s way there at a profit.  

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we’re proud to still be making things, and we’re proud of the fact also that for us, making and selling has indeed turned into job creation, customer satisfaction and a small portion of economic progress forward for the United States.  We challenge the government to get out of the business of giving people money, and get back in the business of inspiring folks to greater heights of entrepreneurial productivity.

Rubber Stamp Champ makes hundreds of stamp orders and thousands of stamps everyday for people who want and need self inking stamps, self inking rubber stamps, hand stamps, pre inked rubber stamps, Ideal rubber stamps, Xstamper premium pre inked stamps, Trodat self inking stamps, daters, address stamps, specialty inks and more.  Go online, and place your order today with our easy-to-use and completely secure stamp design/ordering website.  Thanks.  

And if you need money, think of a creative way to make something and sell it to people who want and need it, or provide a service, or get some experience busting rocks in the hot sun, anything legitimate to make money…it’s much more the American Way than begging for a handout.






















Dicscount Rubber Stamps Save Money

30 January, 2009 (13:24) | Address Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


Mother Nature

Mother Nature


Everyone talks a ton about not destroying the earth or saving the planet and stuff like that, but the truth is, that’s an ego trip on behalf of the people who think and talk that way.  Just stop and think about it for a second.  If mankind marshalled all of it’s resources, all of its traditional and nuclear weapons, every toxic chemical known to man, if we set all that off at once, and dumped all that once and blew open every stinking oil well besides and let them all run down in flames to the sea…if we created, let’s say the most immense catastrophe we possibly could with all our given state-of-the-art technology….if we went out of our way to deliberately foul and compromise every natural system on the planet…we most certainly would not survive, but the planet….the planet would be just fine and in ten thousand years or less all would be back to normal, except there wouldn’t be any of us.

The only thing that’s going to destroy this planet, ever, is our own sun…which something in the neighborhood of five billion years from now is going to grow into a red gaint and cook the earth and all the other planets into cinderrs or less.  Short of that, and regardless of what tiny litlle man does or doesn’t do, the earth cannot be destroyed.  Actually, quite the reverse is true.

The earth has the ability to squash the entire human race like an ant.  Right we’re always babbling in our little out of the way media outlets, making ourselves feel important by saying we should save or not destroy the planet, when in fact, we may want to pay a little attention once in awhile to how the planet might destroy us.  If nothing else, it might introduce a little humility and appreciation of God’s Universe if we did.  

Yeah mother nature is a powerful thing.  That’s her going off above in the photo…not a man made nuclear bomb, but an exploding volcano. One might go off pretty soon in Alaska.  Maybe people will get a less exaggerated sense of their own importance when they see how big, big really is.

Anway, before the next Big Bang, if you really need rubber stamps….especially custom made rubber stamps, customized self inking rubber stamps, custom ink stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, pre inked stamps, date stamps, permanent ink stamps, UV inks, specialty inks and pads, notary supplies and a whole lot more in terms of marking devices and replacement pads, you’re far better off shopping at the Rubber Stamp Champ at than anywhere else.


Custom Pre Inked Rubber Stamps Offer Top Quality

30 January, 2009 (09:29) | Customized Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


Rubber Stamp Champ Has A Whole Category On Its Website Dedicated To Items On Sale At Special Knockout Prices!

Rubber Stamp Champ Has A Whole Category On It's Website Dedicated To Items On Sale At Special Knockout Prices!

Discount Rubber Stamps

We are the Rubber Stamp Champs, we have Knockout Prices, and as such we offer an occasional opinion on the world of boxing.  As well as other events and images not completely unrelated to what we do as Rubber Stamp Champs.  Anyway, for now, a brief digression to boxing.

Boxing has long been called by sources too numerous to mention and for decades too numerous to count…the art of self defense.

My point simply is that boxing is an art or has it’s artistic aspects, while today’s cage fighting has all the art of a bunch of snakes piled up on top of each other…and if they’re moving, or if they’ve ever moved…it wasn’t notceable, and if they ever do move, well that probably won’t be noticable either…except…wait a minute…did that one guy with the shaved head just squeeze the other guy a little tighter?  I don’t know, I missed it.

It’s alot like what’s happened to a big part of the culture in America, the quality has gone down, dropped off the face of the earth really…the language has been mashed beyond all recognition, and the tv-related folk heroes of today either wear their baseball hats crooked, look like total sluts or both, and have a horrible attitude toward pretty much everything except their own egos.

Fortunately, some things still work much better than that.  And one of those things, you guessed it, would be a rubber stamp from the Rubber Stamp Champ.  Self inking rubber stamps, custom self inking rubber stamps, Ideal self inking rubber stamps, Trodat self inking stamps, Xstamper Pre Inked Stamps, date stamps, address stamps….we do all of them every day as if we took our name Champs seriously.  And we do.

That’s why, no matter how much the culture devolves into a pile of snakes, you’ll still be able to count on quality from The Rubber Stamp Champ.  It’s what we do best, including of course lowest price and fastest delivery.  

Next time you order rubber stamps, date stamps, hand stamps, inks, UV inks or any other related marking items, order from the Champ, and we’ll put our lightening fast service to work for you.  You may be shocked to find out that a quality buying experience is still part of today’s America.

Custom Self Inking Rubber Stamps Cheap And Fast

27 January, 2009 (06:48) | Discount Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies, Self Inking Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Ideal® 50 at $6.25 is the best wholesale price on custom self inking rubber stamps online. You get a name brand rubber stamp at the best wholesale price.

Our best wholesale price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

Break Your Old Rubber Stamp Ordering Habits!

Break Your Old Rubber Stamp Ordering Habits!

Are you still buying rubber stamps at the office supply store?  If so you are probably wasting a ton of time and money, and you might even be getting frustrated besides.  Why?  In their defense, office supply stores aren’t really set up to do custom items…paper clips, desk blotters, folders and art paper, that’s all fine at the office supply store.  But custom items aren’t want they do.  So they have to take your order and send it out to someone who does make custom self inking stamps….and by the time you acually get your order back it costs too much, the work isn’t always accurate, and you waited way to long to get it.

Go online instead.  Just type into the top bar of your computer and you will suddenly and magically enter a world of secure ordering for self inking stamps, address stamps, return address stamps, rubber address stamps, pre inked rubber stamps, date stamps, daters, die plate daters, hand stamps, traditional wood hands stamps and a whole lot more like inks and pads and rubber stamping supplies.

Ideal Custom Self Inking Rubber Ink Stamp

Ideal Custom Self Inking Rubber Ink Stamp

And when you shop at Rubber Stamp Champ, you get our incredibly excellent Knockout Prices, as well as our unbelievably fast service and expert stamp making techniques.  At Rubber Stamp Champ you get fast, accurate stamp making and you get it for a lot less.  Try us.  At

Custom Rubber Stamps Ship Fast

26 January, 2009 (06:09) | Customized Rubber Stamps, Date Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps | By: Mike


We Blast Off On Your Stamp Project

We Blast Off On Your Stamp Project

Most rubber stamps ordered  from Rubber Stamp Champ go out either the same day they are ordered or the day after they are ordered.  The reason is, on self inking stamps, address stamps, rubber stamps, pre inked rubber stamps, date stamps and more, we make so many of them every day….we gets so many orders for them everyday, that we have to get them out that day or we’ll be oeverwhelmed by the orders of the next day and the next.

So we’re set up to turn pretty much everything around on a same day/next day basis.  That means you get your rubber stamps fast.  You can even get them overnight if you order beofre 10 Pacific Time.  We may not work at 18,000 miles an hour like the space shuttle when it takes off, but you will be AMAZED at how fast you get your stamps, when you order online at from The Rubber Stamp Champ.

Custom Made Rubber Stamps Save Time

23 January, 2009 (06:39) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Rubber Stamp Champ’s Ideal® 50 at $6.25 is the best wholesale price on custom self inking rubber stamps online. You get a name brand rubber stamp at the best wholesale price.

Our best wholesale price on custom rubber stamps is $3.99, for a 1-line hand stamp. Our rubber stamp prices are also best because they include free shipping on all orders of $10.  We have the best prices on pre inked rubber stamps as well. And the best prices on address rubber stamps and rubber stamps for notaries.

All day long your hands are used to help you work.  One of the best things you can do for them is buy them a rubber stamp to save them the trouble of writting the same information over and over again.  Rubber stamps, self inking rubber stamps, custom rubber stamps, self ink stamps, custom made rubber stamps…all are excellent for stamping checks, duplicate copies, invoices and the many many other things that go by your desk every day that name the same information….you can stamp almost anything rather than writing it by hand.

Portable Pocket Stamps Go Anywhere You Take Them

Portable Pocket Stamps Go Anywhere You Take Them

Notaries from all states, doctors, anyone whyo needs to get around alot and still have the convenience of being able to stamp a message, their initials or a signiture whereever they go…these are perfect portable pocket stamp customers.  Pockets stamps are great, and we’ve got a huge variety of them, from Trodat, Maxlight, Xstamper, Ideal and others.  And your stamp, custom pocket stamp or otherwise, can always be made and delivered on an overnight basis.  So if you’re in a hurry to get your stamp, don’t wait in line and then wait for weeks by buying from an office supply store….save them for the stationary and other non custom items you need, but when it comes to custom and it comes to rubber stamps, there’s no better way than to work with the Champ.

You’ll get it faster, less expensively and you’ll be able to get it exactly the way you want it with all the great features on our website at  Thanks, and have a nice day!

Discount Rubber Stamps In All Categories

21 January, 2009 (09:57) | Address Stamps, Customized Rubber Stamps, Discount Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Self inking stamps, pre inked stamps, hand stamps, address rubber stamps, return address rubber stamps, custom rubber stamps, custom self inking stamps, daters, stock message stamps, eco-friendly stamps, you name the category and right now you can find any and all of those items avaialable at discount Knockout Prices from Rubber Stamp Champ at 1320 Grand Avenue in San Marcos, CA.  


Knockout Price On Ideal Round Self Inking Stamp, $13.99.

Round Self Inking Stamp, $13.99.

Discount rubber stamps are actually our specialty, and we have hundreds of items at discount stamp prices. So for cheap rubber stamps, discount self inking stamps, cheap stamps, discount pre inked rubber stamps and many more items including rubber stamp supplies, also at discount prices, always visit Rubber Stamp Champ at

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