Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Fabric Rubber Stamps

Washable Laundry Ink Stamps

19 February, 2025 (00:14) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Ink Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

They say it all comes out in the wash, but one thing you don’t want to have come out in the wash is any impression you wish to make and that’s why we offer our custom laundry stamps. Doing the laundry, of course, has evolved significantly over the centuries during which people have constantly sought, and still do today, to make things easier and easier.

Early civilizations used various materials like sand, ashes, and animal fats to clean clothes by hand. Fabrics were beaten against rocks or submerged in running water to remove dirt and stains. It was hard work and of course it made the people who did that hard work strong. It’s interesting to note that the human body is made to work, walk, lift, throw and so on, in order to survive, but since all that tough survival stuff has been mitigated by advances in technology…oddly enough, while we made hard things easier and easier, we factored useful exercise out of our equation and now anyone who wants to be in good shape has to go to the gym.

If you walk 20 miles a day in search of some berries or a scrap of meat and have to fend off saber toothed tigers with a makeshift spear, you hardly need to do laps or push ups to get strong or lose weight, and in fact losing weight back then was a bad thing because it meant you were going to starve.

Obviously, I guess we’d all rather order from Doordash than wind up in a fight to the death with a wooly mammoth, but who knows maybe that was preferrable in some ways to having to work out all the time.

Things are what they are though and certainly the push to make things easier will never end, and along those lines we’ve made things easier in the laundry department for those who wish to identify clothing with logos, instructions, names, numbers or any other useful markings.

We offer reliable, high-quality clothing stamps and accessories. You can choose options allowing for permanent impressions capable of lasting up to 40 washes without removal and lasting up to 90-degree temperatures. We can customize up to three lines of print on each stamp to include name and address for a convenient labeling system. Choose from leading names in the industry, such as Trodat and Artline for quality and performance you can count on for many years. The ink used for this type of application is non-toxic and acid-free for an option that is safe for skin contact. It is also smudge proof and water resistant, so it will not rub off on skin or other clothing.

Probably doing the laundry with modern machines isn’t much more fun than beating your clothes on rocks down by the river, but if you want to add an identifying touch to fabric, we’ve come up with a way that is, of course, much easier now than having to sew on some label. As for getting some exercise, we’ll leave that up to you!

Rubber Stamps For Marking Clothing

4 April, 2024 (22:48) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Ink Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

If your name is not Tommy Bahama, you may need a clothing stamp to correctly indicate whose stuff is yours. Most of the time people just wear their clothes, wash them, dry them and repeat, and they have zero doubt about whose t-shirts are in that pile on the floor. Other times, however, when what you wear may wind up mingling with what others wear, you’ll want a clothing marker to stake your claim to the garb that belongs to you or one of your loved ones.

First, a little background from our Research Department which specializes in finding the history of things that in any way, shape or form can be related to the purchase of custom rubber stamps.

Textiles appeared in the Middle East during the late Stone Age. There is evidence that suggests that humans may have begun wearing clothing somewhere from 100,000 to 500,000 years ago. Primitive sewing needles have been found and are dated to around 40,000 years ago. Dyed flax fibers which have been found in a prehistoric cave in the Republic of Georgia are old some 36,000 years. Some 25,000 years ago the Venus figurines started appearing in Europe, that were depicted with clothing. They had basket hats or caps, belts at the waist and a strap of cloth above the breast.

Today clothing is mass produced and just about everyone wears it, and marking what you wear with your identity is useful in a wide range of applications, including stamps to mark clothes for kids going to camp, kids in sports teams, people who participate in mass sporting events like marathons and so on.

With a high-quality clothing stamp, you can save time and energy! Allowing you to quickly stamp and go, clothing stamps are a reliable solution for a range of purposes. We offer a reliable, high-quality clothing stamp and accessories. You can choose options allowing for permanent impressions capable of lasting up to 40 washes without removal and lasting up to 90-degree temperatures.

We can customize up to three lines of print on each stamp to include name and address for a convenient labeling system. Choose from leading names in the industry, such as Trodat and Artline for quality and performance you can count on for many years. The ink used for this type of application is non-toxic and acid-free for an option that is safe for skin contact. It is also smudge proof and water resistant, so it will not rub off on skin or other clothing.

So whether you like to dress down, dress up or dress for success, where you want to make it clear that what you wear is yours alone, just visit us and choose from our selection of clothing stamps and fabric markers! We’re sure you’ll identify with our products!

Rubber Stamping On Fabric Ink Kit

5 September, 2023 (21:42) | Business Rubber Stamps, Fabric Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

People talk about the fabric of our lives, and the fabric of society and so on, but let us not forget that fabric is a literal thing as well as a figurative one.

Textiles are defined as the yarns that are woven or knitted to make fabrics. The use of textiles links the myriad cultures of the world and defines the way they clothe themselves, adorn their surroundings and go about their lives. Textiles have been an integral part of human daily life for thousands of years, with the first use of textiles, most likely felt, dates back to the late Stone Age, roughly 100,000 years ago.

However, the earliest instances of cotton, silk and linen begininng to appear around 5,000 BC in India, Egypt and China. The ancient methods of manufacturing textiles, namely plain weave, satin weave and twill, have changed very little over the centuries. Modern manufacturing speed and capacity, however, have increased the rate of production to levels unthinkable even 200 years ago.

Our spin on this old yarn is provided by fabric ink kits that can be used in many imaginative ways to create permanent patterns, to mark fabric with company logos, and to provide identification on things that range from stamping on kids clothing for camp to marking ID numbers on uniforms in commercial laundries.

This is our Pro Color #532 Sure Print Indelible Fabric Ink Kit.

This professional fabric marking ink provides permanent, acid free fast drying impressions on most fabrics. Water and fade resistant. For best results, wait 24 hours before washing. Ink usually lasts 20-25 washings. Each kit contains a 2oz. bottle of ink, a 2oz. bottle of re-conditioner, and your choice of an IP-2: 2-5/8″ x 4-1/4″ Industrial or an IP-5: 6-1/4″ x 8-1/8″ dry ink pad. This kit is available in 4 ink colors: black, red, blue & white ink. Dry time: 30 seconds.

So mark our words, if you wish to stamp on fabric, we’ve got you covered!

Permanent Ink Stamping On Fabric

5 January, 2022 (12:36) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

A little bird said you can stamp on a wide variety of surfaces, including fabric, with supplies from

Whether or not little birds actually talk and tell people revealing things or not is debatable, however this little bird does state a clear message just with it’s high quality impression rubber stamped on fabric.

In this case, the bird is the word that clearly says stamping on fabric for home art projects, or to promote your business, is not only doable with rubber stamping permanent ink supplies from Rubber Stamp Champ, it’s being done quite frequently nationwide.

And while this little bird has a message about stamping on fabric, it could just as easily have carried a similar message about rubber stamping on glass, metal, plastic and a wide variety of other surfaces, with permanent fast dry ink stamps and supplies from Rubber Stamp Champ.

There’s even a surface selector tool right on our site’s homepage that let’s you choose a surface and see the right stamp products you’ll need for that surface.

Chirp, chip, chirp!

Rubber Stamp To Mark Clothing

3 March, 2020 (13:18) | Art Stamps, Fabric Rubber Stamps, Personalized Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

If you create items using fabric, you can prodly tell the world by obtaining a custom fabric stamp from Rubber Stamp Champ!

Not everyone designs and produces their own line of clothing, but even if you just buy regular t-shirts and whatnot at the store, you may still find it useful to mark that clothing with your chosen identity.

A perfect example of such an application is if you have kids that you send to camp and you want to mark their stuff so it doesn’t wind up in the wrong person’s hands. And for that purpose we make a special, self inking camp clothing stamp that you can customize with any text you want.

In any event, Rubber Stamp Champ has a number of ways you can make permanent, washable impressions on clothing and fabric, including a camp stamp, and wood hand stamps designed for use with permanent ink pads.

Shop now at and we know you find the perfect way to make a lasting impression!

Avoiding A Train Wreck When Ordering Rubber Stamps

25 December, 2019 (15:42) | Address Rubber Stamps, Fabric Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Things that don’t work out super well, or as well as expected, are often referred to as train wrecks.

Frequently, people will experience a train wreck when ordering rubber stamps, as they will find the stamp is not made well, is not really what they ordered, cost way more than it should have, arrived after the event it was intended for, and so on.

Make sure you avoid a train wreck when ordering rubber stamps!

At Rubber Stamp Champ we specialize in providing custom rubber stamp orders that work out very well indeed. In fact we have over 10,000 Five Star reviews that prove our stamps arrive on time, as ordered and expected, perfectly produced for a great price.

So stay on track when you need to order custom rubber stamps, and always visit our!

Mark II Fast Dry Ink Kits

11 January, 2019 (14:20) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

MarkIIKit_mediumKit includes an airtight 2 1/2″ x 4″ reversible ink pad, a 2 ounce bottle of Mark II Aero #1250 ink, a 2 oz bottle of reactivator, a zip lock bag for storage, and re-inking instructions. Marks various non-absorbent surfaces, including plastic, metal, foil, electronic parts, mylar, glossy surfaces, glass, and more. Ink is USDA approved and meets TT-I-1795A Type I, and AA-208 Type I (will work for Type II). Approved by Department of Agriculture for use on food packages. Dries in 10-15 seconds.

We offer a wide selection of ink pads to choose from to make sure you always get the right option for your particular needs. We stock stamp pads in a variety of types, sizes, and ink colors from leading names in the industry for quality you can trust. These pads have features such as raised pad beds to avoid interference with the edges of the stamp and airtight lids to avoid drying out.

Pads are available with acid-free ink for a safe-to-use ink solution. Choose from sizes ranging from pocket sized to larger units ideal for desktop use. Whether you need a traditional stamp pad for stamping paper or a stamp pad for glossy or non-porous surfaces, we have the pad you need! Check out our selection of traditional stamp pads for use with regular paper, cardboard, note cards, and more.

When looking for ink pads compatible with metal, plastic, glossy paper, and most other non-porous surfaces, choose from our collection of Artline and Stazon stamp pads. We offer quick dry ink options for a smudge-proof option that will save time when stamping multiple documents.

Fabric Stamping Ink Pads

3 January, 2019 (13:36) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Hand Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads | By: Mike

Fabric stamping is sure easier than it used to be now that is offering VersaCraft permanent fabric stampining ink pads in 8 snappy colors…including the super popular Real Black and Poppy Red.

The ink in these pads maintains the natural soft feel of fabric and is permanent on natural fibers when heat-set (iron at appropriate temperature for fabric). Ideal for use on other porous surfaces as well. Water-based; archival and acid free.

And there’s more good news, because all these terrific fabric stamping ink pads are only $12.50 each and that includes free shipping!

Great fabric stamping looks fall into place at Rubber Stamp Champ!

Fabric Marking Kit At $29.95

10 July, 2014 (14:31) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Industrial Inks And Pads, Permanent Ink Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Welcome to the smoking deal that is the Fabric Marking Kit from

At just $29.95, Rubber Stamp Champ is blowing these fabric marking kits out!

You’ll find a 2 oz. bottle of fabric marking ink, a 2 oz bottle of re-conditioner and an IP-2, an industrial stamp pad.

The stamp pad measures 3 1/4″ x 4 1/4.”’s fabric marking kit is available in red, black and blue ink.

Permanent, acid-free, quick-dry fabric ink for use with rubber stamps is water and fade resistant; for best results, wait 24 hours before washing.

The Low, Knockout Price of $29.95 includes free shipping and handling.

Custom Self-Inking Trodat Clothing Rubber Stamps

28 June, 2014 (03:59) | Fabric Rubber Stamps, Self Inking Stamps, Trodat Self Inking Stamps | By: Mike

clothing_stamp_finalPersonalized self-inking Trodat clothing stamps are perfect for anyone wanting to print a personalized impression onto their clothing.

Trodat self-inking clothing rubber stamps come ready to use, and are ink refillable. doesn’t charge additional fees to personalize your clothing stamp artwork or text either!

Discounted from $29.95, Rubber Stamp Champ is the only place to find the Low, Knockout Price of $24.95.’s Knockout Price on Trodat self-inking clothing stamps includes free shipping and handling.

Look no further if good quality water-resistant stamp impressions on your clothes is what you want, RubberStampChamp.

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