Rubber Stamp Champ

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Category: Holiday Rubber Stamps

St Patrick’s Day Rubber Stamp Deals

20 February, 2025 (05:37) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Saint Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland, established as such in 1647 by the Catholic Church, never personally stood for, nor did the church intend the day to stand for, raw beef and onions, bagpipe parades, taking the day off to party, dyeing rivers, and rivers of beer, green and so on.

As it turns out, it took centuries for the holiday to accrue the elements that now seem crucial to its celebrations.

It wasn’t until the early 18th century that many of today’s traditions were kicked into high gear.

Since the holiday falls during Lent, it provides Christians a day off from the prescriptions of abstinence leading up to Easter, and around the 1720s, the church found that it “got kind of out of control.”

Truth is, this is often a tough world that tends to break people down sometimes, all the work, responsibilities, family obligations and much else can pile up and make folks feel a little overwhelmed and pointless at times.

Billy Joel said it in a song, Piano Man, in one line about a guy who played piano in a bar, and what the bar owner thought of him, “He knows it’s me they’ve been coming to see to forget about life for a while.”

And so we do need things, diversions, recreations, playing golf or tennis, watching spectator sports, going fishing, and finding cause for celebration on days like St Patrick’s Day. And whether it makes sense or not to get wild and crazy, have a few, go out dancing and all, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that every once in awhile it’s good to let it all hang out, and even the Bible encourages it when it says, in Psalm 100, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”

And while it might not be as euphoric as a night on the town, we can give you a reason to celebrate with our huge selection and great prices on custom rubber stamps and our special St Patrick’s Day discounts.

Our wide selection of custom rubber stamps includes address, monogram, signature, skin safe, heavy duty and even pocket stamps. With so many options, you are certain to find a model that perfectly matches your intended purpose, and it’s always free to add any logo or artwork you wish to have on your stamp impression!

Display a name, title, date, phone number or any other message you might need with a stamp that will give clear and legible printing use after use.

So let the good times roll, and visit us soon, like maybe for a shamrock stamp!

Rubber Stamps For The Holidays

11 December, 2024 (15:54) | Art Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

When the holidays come around there are usually plenty of gifts to go around, and mostly what people are trying to create is great memories. Some gifts are fleeting, like the fruit basket everyone devours, and some things are more lasting like the diamond ring that will sparkle for a long time indeed, hopefully.

Typically things that last a long time, like gemstones, are also often the most expensive types of gifts people can give. Like this boffo ring Elvis wore, or the super bowl rings worn by the rare few that earn one, which can be purchased if you have the dough.

Fortunately there are some items that are at the same time very low on the cost spectrum and very high on creating lasting impressions. These items have become a holiday favorite among many, and they are commonly refferred to as rubber stamps.

We offer a huge selection of rubber stamps for the holidays including round, oval and rectangular shaped stamps, stock image stamps, stamps you can customize with an address, Santa signature stamps, and many more that can be ordered in your choice of 11 ink colors, to create vivid holiday impressions that will last for a very long time indeed, at a price that is very affordable, compared especially to other items that last a long time.

We offer a wide selection of holiday rubber stamps to choose from. Our inventory features holiday rubber stamps from the leading brands Ideal and Shiny, for trusted performance and long-lasting quality.

Choose from a wide selection of stock images such as snowmen, Santa, candy canes, trees and more. Need a stamp with a holiday message to spread cheer? We have options with phrases like Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and more. All of the holiday stamps we offer are made with the highest quality of standards.

The impressions are of the highest quality with crisp and clean edges for a vivid impression with every use. Stamps offer thousands of impressions and are re-inkable for an incredible value you will use every holiday season. Add some cheer to your life with these fun holiday stamps!

Same Day Rubber Stamp Service For The Holidays

21 November, 2023 (21:07) | Art Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

If you took the words “last minute preparations” and wondered to yourself, what time of the year would they characterize most, you’d most likely have to answer “The Holidays!” After all, the words “last minute shopping” pretty much only apply to tearing around on the day before Christmas to make sure you cover all bases with gifts for everyone you gift.

With that in mind, we’d like to remind you that we have the ability to make perfect custom or stock message stamps just in time for your celebrations, even if you might have waited a wee bit too long to order, because we are happy to provide overnight shipping on whatever you need, whether that be Santa’s Signature stamps for the From portion of the tags on your carefully wrapped surprises, or a custom address monogram stamp for a special friend.

Additionally, for those of you who are creative enough to make gifts for the people you love, we offer a wide variety of stamps and supplies that you can use to create homemade works of art out of stamped glass, leather, wood and more…just start with our Surface Selection Tool that will present you with the options, or go right to our ChampFast® product for making lasting impressions with fast dry ink on many different non porous surfaces.

And, if the holiday season for you means large gatherings at a nightclub you own, or even special events and concerts, be sure to look into our UV ink stamping supplies for marking hands to facilitate entry and re-entry at your upcoming gig.

In any event we hope the Holiday Season finds you well, and happy, and if you feel like you’re running out of time, don’t fret, just go online and find all of the above, and much more, from the company that will make and ship your order fast, even if you live way up near The North Pole!

Dating Site For Rubber Stamps

7 November, 2023 (22:55) | Date Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies | By: Mike

Daters are people who go out on dates, and they are also a very special type of rubber stamp. At Rubber Stamp Champ our dates are all about a huge variety of the latter that even include stamps which come with special messages, so that you have the ability to not only stamp the date, but say something about it, such as COMPLETED DEC 14 2028 or CHECKED DEC 14 2028 or INSPECTED DEC 14 2028 and so on. There is nothing super romantic about our dates, but if you are looking for a productive partner to help you officiate and stamp documents, they are all very attractive!

When it comes to your business, we know how important tracking dates can be in the routines of daily business. From checking off inventories to marking expiration dates of food items, custom daters help you to stay on top of all the changing information so you never miss an important deadline or vital piece of information affecting your business.

The use of custom daters lets you mark crucial information while giving you more control than standard daters. With these reliable stamps, you are always in control of this aspect of your business! We offer a diverse selection of custom daters to choose from when looking for this type of stamp. Our diverse inventory features the leading names in the stamping industry including JustRite®, Shiny®, Trodat® and Xstamper®, for impressive performance and long-lasting durability. Daters are available in a wide range of sizes from pocket stamp options perfect for inspections on the go to large, heavy-duty models with durable metal frames for high volume use.

We offer these high-quality daters in options with bands lasting for up to 10 years on certain models for a purchase that will last. Choose from options with various handle types to find your perfect grip. Every option we offer has been made to offer smooth operations for thousands of impressions. In addition to our selection of daters with just the date bands, we also offer the ability to customize these stamps to showcase your choice of text such as key words of relevance like “Inspected By’, “Approved By”, and more. We can even create daters that display a company name or employee number to suit your preference. Daters feature the ability to turn various bands to create your chosen date making them an easier way to mark dates than with a pen. Unlike penmanship which differs from person to person, date stamps help improve readability for clearer communication.

So if you’re looking for a paperwork mate, and you need to stamp the date, visit us and you’ll find a perfect match made in heaven!

Patriotic And Religious Rubber Stamps

8 October, 2023 (22:42) | Holiday Rubber Stamps, Patriotic and Religous Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

There are many ways, on our website at Rubber Stamp Champ, to save 50% on name brand custom rubber stamps! We also invite you to consider our great selection of patriotic and religious rubber stamps in case one of them carries a message you’d like to deliver.

The Fourth Of July, Memorial Day and Veterans Day are all very special holidays because they offer a chance for us to regain some national pride. Of course the Forth is really more about the signing of the Declaration of Independence than it is about fireworks, just like Christmas is more about the birth of Jesus than it is about bringing trees into our homes and decorating them.

This Patriotic Stamp comes mounted on the Ideal 4913 self-inking stamp frame with an impression of an American Flag and the text “God Bless America”. The impression size is 7/8″ x 2-3/8″ and it comes in your choice of 11 vibrant ink colors! Lasts for 5,000 impressions and can easily be re-inked with water-based ink! Add on an extra ink bottle refill so you are ready to re-ink when your stamp needs it.

If you do choose to celebrate patriotic or religious events we have a large selection of stamps for you to shop from with many nice messages you can use to make a great impression thousands of times!

Stamps are an excellent way to save time and energy while still communicating important messages or information. When it comes to showing the values that matter most to you, our religious and patriotic rubber stamps are a solid choice. Stamp mail, note cards, and more with a patriotic or religious message!

These patriotic and religious rubber stamps allow you to share the important values you hold near with others in a noticeable and lively manner. We offer a large inventory of religious and patriotic rubber stamps to view when looking to express yourself with stamps. Best of all, our collection of stamps in this style features options from the leading names in the business such as Ideal, Xstamper and more.

These brands are known for their continued commitment to quality design and durable, long-lasting construction. Make a selection from your choice of self-inking, hand stamps and more. We even have a pocket-sized version perfect for spreading your message on the go! The hand stamp is made of durable wood with a curved handle for a sturdy grip. The pre-inked and self-inking models are made of durable plastic with the inking mechanism conveniently protected by the body of the stamp. We offer these patriotic and religious rubber stamps in your choice of 11 ink colors to give you the variety you need to find the right choice. You can order a wide range of popular messages such as In God We Trust, God Bless America, Proud to Be an American, God Bless Our Troops and more.

Francis Scott Key had a question in the song he wrote after the British Fleet shelled Fort McHenry with all they had, but by the dawn’s early light it became obvious that our flag had not gone down, giving him the thought to pen this question, that we have to ask ourselves today..“Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, over the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

The answer, of course, lies in the hands of all the citizens of this country, and it is simply that it will continue to wave as long as we fight to be free. And if you support freedom, it might make you feel good to order one of our religious or patriotic rubber stamps, it will allow you to express yourself clearly, and thousands of times, before needing re inking, after which you will be able to stamp the message of your choice thousands of times more!

Clip Art Happy Holiday Rubber Stamps

26 September, 2023 (02:06) | Clipart Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

For many, Halloween is the cat’s meow, and they always have that carved out as a special holiday.

In the old days we went out on our own dressed as Dracula, Superman, donkeys, angels and King Kong or Godzilla, carrying bags with handles and hoping for anything made of chocolate and no apples, please. We screamed “Trick or Treat” at every door, but never really intended to play tricks nor did we have any up our sleeves. In today’s world, which in and of itself is often scary, the kids are accompanied by adults and dressed as Ninja Turtles or other more contemporary heroes.

The complete list of national holidays is absurdly long and contains many that most never heard of, and of course if you decided to celebrate them all, celebrating would be pretty much all you’d ever do.

Here are just a fraction of those from January alone: National Polar Bear Plunge Day, National Hangover Day, National Science Fiction Day, National Festival of Sleep Day, National Trivia Day, National Spaghetti Day, National Bird Day, National Whipped Cream Day and National Cuddle Up Day…and it kind of makes sense that if you enjoy a day of spaghetti, followed closely by one of whipped cream, cuddling up thereafter would be a perfect thing to do.

We offer plenty of festive stock rubber stamp choices to honor the more prominent holidays, and can help you out with things like gift giving with special Santa signature stamps, and other nice choices for Easter, Memorial Day and so on.

However if things like National Ugly Sweater Day, National Espresso Day, National Princess Day, National Vodka Day, World Kissing Day or National UFO Day appeal to you, you can also hop on our site and upload art or text or both to stamps of your own creation, for holidays not represented in our stock message stamp selection.

And whether you’d like a large format wood mounted hand stamp for that purpose, a self inking stamp from one of the major manufacturers of those, a pre inked stamp or a special stamp loaded with quick dry permanent ink for stamping your seasonal message on a wide variety of surfaces, we’ll make one for you, or ten or twenty or more, we’ll make them perfect and we’ll get them to you fast.

And since today, September 26th is officially National Rubber Stamp Day, we hope you’ll join us for it and for a custom rubber stamp we know you’ll love!

Holiday Rubber Stamps For Easter

4 April, 2023 (11:58) | Address Rubber Stamps, Alphabet Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Stock message holiday rubber stamps are a hit with many of our customers, view the entire selection now and grab a couple for Easter!

Custom and stock message rubber stamps are our specialty at Rubber Stamp Champ, and in fact we have nearly 3000 products available, including items that can fill your Easter basket with fun and usefulness.

Consider the fact the we offer all major brands of self-inking and pre inked custom rubber stamps at incredible savings, including 50% off retail on the most widely used brands including Trodat, Ideal and Shiny.

Our selection of pre inked stamps includes Xstamper, Maxlite and our own special brand for stamping on a wide variety of non-paper surfaces like glass, leather, fabric and plastic, the refillable and easy to use ChampFast products.

ChampFast is our own brand of multi-surface pre inked stamps available in 22 sizes and shapes including rectangle, square and round!

So whether you are looking for stamps to celebrate the holidays, kitchen of rubber stamps to identify all your great recipes, or business oriented rubber stamps like automatic numbering machines, alpha-numeric band stamps, date and number stamps, peg stamps for stamping in hard to reach spaces, or large stamps made of wood and provided with handles for marking packages and outgoing mail, Rubber Stamp Champ has what you need like no other site online!

Visit us today at! We guarantee you’ll like the experience of shopping all we have to choose from in the rubber stamp category and you’ll not only find us easy to shop, you’ll also find it easy to design, proof and order exactly what you need.

We make and ship most orders the day they are placed, so you know you’ll get your custom or stock rubber stamps fast, no matter where you live!

Call 800-469-7826 with any questions!

Happy Holiday Rubber Stamps

31 October, 2022 (15:04) | Custom Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Celebrate the season in style with your choice of custom or stock message holiday rubber stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ! has a huge assortment of Christmas rubber stamps including a large variety of sizes and styles.

At you can get Christmas rubber stamps with reindeer, Christmas trees, stars, candy canes, wise men and much more.

If you’ve got a Christmas message you want to rubber stamp, go to for all your Christmas rubber stamps including self inking rubber stamps for Christmas cards.

The holidays are a time of celebration and spreading holiday spirit. With our collection of round holiday stock stamps, you can do just that with ease and affordability. Perfect for a range of applications including cards, crafts, letters, envelopes, gift wrapping and more; holiday stamps are a fast way to spread the joy of the season.

These round holiday stamps are great for both personal and business related uses.We offer a wide selection of round holiday stock stamps to fit any preference or budget. Choose from your choice of traditional hand stamp with a separate ink pad or a self-inking model with the ink conveniently housed within the stamp itself. We offer these fun and festive round holiday stamps in various image area sizes such as ½”, 1″, 1½” and 2″ so you can find the option that is best suited for your intended stamping purpose. With the self-inking option, we offer 11 different colors to choose from to let you create the holiday look you desire.

The stamps themselves are made with the highest quality of manufacturing for a long-lasting stamping solution you will love to break out every holiday season for years. With their durable bodies and frames to support your wrist and the smooth, seamless operation, these stamps are easy to use. The impressions left behind are also quite stunning.

The edges are crisp and clean with vivid text or image. Choose from your choice of stock images including popular ones such as trees, candy canes, doves, menorahs, crosses and more to find the holiday message that is right for you. Add some spirit to the season with these fun and affordable stamps!At Rubber Stamp Champ, we are pleased to be your one-stop spot for all your stamps and stamping accessories. With a large inventory featuring high-quality brands and our affordability, we are confident you will find the right choice for you! If you have any questions, please contact us today for further assistance. specializes in custom rubber stamps of all types including self inking and pre inked rubber stamps, and also offers a huge range of date rubber stamps and embossers as well.

Happy Holiday rubber stamps for, no one else offers you so much to choose from, and only has Christmas rubber stamps at Knockout Prices.

Get rubber stamp discounts this Christmas at the Christmas rubber stamp headquarters,

From The Kitchen Of Rubber Stamp Designs

17 July, 2022 (23:20) | Custom Logo Rubber Stamps, Holiday Rubber Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

The Pillsbury Doughboy used to say that “Nothing says lovin’ like something from the oven,” and we all know there is a lot of good feeling that goes into cooking, preparing foods and serving others much to their delight.

If you are one of the millions of kitchen magicians in this world who love to please your palate and those of others, remember to get yourself a nice kitchen of rubber stamp from Rubber Stamp Champ so you can let folks know it was you that nailed the perfect baked chicken, lasagna, chocolate chunk cookies or whatever it is that benefited from your own unique approach to slaving over a hot stove.

When you are proud of your cooking, baking and recipes and people you know are wanting to know how you made this or that, be sure to get a kitchen of rubber stamp so you can take ownership of your vital concoctions before disseminating them to others!

When it comes to gift giving, a homemade gift is a sincere present from the heart. For gifts straight from the kitchen, we offer from the kitchen of stamps to show your pride in your special creation. With our selection of high-quality from the kitchen of stamps, you can add a personal touch to any dish or dessert as well as recipe cards and cookbooks to show ownership. These stamps let you show your pride in a delicious job well done whether given as a personal gift or as part of a business specializing in home cooked items.

Add one of these affordable from the kitchen stamps to your next creation! We offer a wide selection of exceptional from the kitchen of stamps to choose from to add something extra to your gift or product. Choose from your choice of fonts and ink colors for a stamp that is perfect for your needs. We offer various styles such as dinnerware settings, notepads, plaids, squares, circles and more, as well as thoughtful design elements such as your choice of border and other artwork for a personalized touch Every one of the pre-inked stamps we offer has been manufactured with the highest standards of durable design and reliable performance for a long-lasting stamp of value. They are re-inkable so you can use them for thousands of impressions without worry!

When you make meals the way others want to know how you did it, you can give them a recipe stamped with your approval with kitchen of stamps that bear your own identity.

At Rubber Stamp Champ, we are honored to be your source for all your stamps, inks, cleaners and all stamping essentials. If you have any questions about our large inventory of high-quality products or custom laser engraving method, we would be happy to assist you in any way while shopping!

Holiday Rubber Stamps Custom Made

25 June, 2022 (11:58) | Holiday Rubber Stamps, Ideal Self Inking Stamps, Rubber Stamps | By: Mike

Celebrate the holidays and the savings, order custom rubber stamps from Rubber Stamp Champ.

Holidays come and go and sometimes it seems like Christmas is right around the corner even though it might only be the Fourth of July, Independence Day as it is often referred to, a celebration of the Declaration of Independence which came about after the colonists divested themselves, in a violent way, during the Revolutionary War, from British rule.

At Rubber Stamp Champ we honor as many holidays as we can think of with stock message holiday rubber stamps, but there is also potential for customers to create their own, unique holiday stamps by uploading any art they wish and creating a message of their own to stamp on party place mats, napkins, coasters and so on.

We offer a wide selection of holiday message stamps to choose from. The self-inking model is from Ideal which is one of the most trusted stamp manufacturers in the business. Known for their dedication to flawless operation and long-lasting endurance, Ideal holiday stock message stamps are built to be easy to use and long-lasting. With the comfort grip handles, smooth operation, and durable body to support the wrist, these stamps are made with all-around performance in mind.

Aside from the features of the stamp itself, another benefit of holiday message stamps is the versatility. Use this handy self-inking rubber stamp to stamp gift cards, gift wrap, note cards, stationery and more! The image size is 1″ x 2-1/2″ which makes it ideal for a wide range of application purposes. Built with endurance in mind, stamps last for thousands of impressions and can easily be re-inked for an exceptional value. The impressions are always crisp and clear with clean edges and well-defined text.

We also offer a wide range of ink color choices to find the option that is best suited to your preference. While these stamps are not recommended for glossy surfaces, they can be used on various paper weights making them a great addition to your holiday stamp collection.

Add one of these reliable and fun stamps to your next holiday season! And you are sure to make the holiday of your choice a happy one when you visit Rubber Stamp Champ to select one of our great holiday stock message stamps, or create a holiday message stamp of your own design.

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